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Neringos vidurinės mokyklos darbuotojų profesinių kompetencijų tobulinimas
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The activities of this project have been planned according to the school’s Strategic Plan 2015-2017, therefore, every planned activity is strategically relevant and significant to organization. The mobility activities will provide the opportunities to implement the vital strategic aim of the organization for 2015-2017 – “To improve the quality of education”. The project will contribute to objectives of this aim: “Raise teachers’ competencies in teaching and management”, “Organize the dissemination of good pedagogical practice”, “Share the experience with the teachers throughout the country and abroad. Participating in the project “Professional Development of Staff in Neringa Secondary School” will supplement the current and planned activities of the organization. Improving the skills of both the English language and project management will effectively enable to manage the ongoing Erasmus+ KA2 project, encourage and expand the existing cooperation with Fehmarn Secondary School from Germany, will contribute to effective management in implementing the national projects. We are planning to increase the institution’s participation in both international and national projects as well as seek for the internationalization in the development of the organization. Better English skills and international experience will enable to expand the use of CLIL method at class work and use this method in the future. The institution will raise a stronger organization status as a modern, multilingual educational institution in the county. Staff competences acquired during the course will accelerate the process of cooperation with the local community; provide ideas how to make it more interesting and effective. This collaboration and educational means, which are in the natural living environment, and integrated into schools activities, will broaden and supplement the educational process, and enhance the quality of school performance. Individualization of teaching, development of general competencies, enhancing students motivation in learning are vital not merely for our school but is also highlighted in the strategic education documents of Lithuania and Europe. We are striving to be among the school leaders in education quality within the county. Focus on every student has to be a natural aspect of each lesson. The school in the strategic perspectives aims to become a strong European school partner, focused on improving the quality of education in Europe. Implementation of the project, development and strengthening of the staff’s targeted competencies will be a strong impetus to striving this goal.
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