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Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Debrecen Summer School has offered courses for learners of Hungarian with a focus on teaching our language and disseminating the related culture ever since 1927. During the past two decades, however, our traditional four-week Hungarian Language and Culture summer course has been gradually complemented with further offerings. Today, in addition to the classical language modules, you can also pick your choice from a variety of thematic courses, which aim to present particular slices of Hungarian culture presented in English. Beyond the activities featured in this profile, we have also participated in a number of international, mainly EU-sponsored, projects of cooperation in the past four years. Each one of the programs for which we have received funding focused on introducing different aspects of Hungarian culture to foreign or Hungarian project participants from locations abroad or just across the border. While expending and broadening our profile even further, our institution has introduced a range of new courses as of 2012 for those who would wish to learn one of the so-called “LWULT” European languages, such as, for example, Swedish, Norwegian, Romanian, Portuguese, or Turkish. The objective is to make these languages accessible to anyone interested while also providing an introductory insight into the relevant culture. In spite of our long-standing prestige at home and abroad, we know for a fact that, in order to maintain a high level of efficiency of our services in the future, it is essential that each of the eight staff members of DSS should be given the right opportunities to further develop their personal skills by participating in proper training courses in truly international environments. The present application is expected to serve exactly this purpose through 8 individual mobility projects. We feel that, in the implementation process of the project objectives, it is a relatively substantial advantage on our part that we have a considerable amount of experience in organizing, running, and supervising courses, conferences, and other events and that we also have the necessary background command of various languages. Each one of our staff members speaks English, and while three of them can also use German and knowledge of Italian and Russian is at the disposal of two more persons. Enrolling ourselves in international courses for further development and training occupies a central position in the medium-range plans of DSS, primarily, in the form of co-operations that facilitate the exchange of general experience and best practices. We are convinced that the qualitative rejuvenation or development of an institution that has been (almost routinely) operating for several decades is only possible through providing its staff members with opportunities to compare their existing specialties, performances, and respective fields of work with those of their opposite numbers working in similar (and, sometimes, perhaps better performing) environments somewhere else. We would also like to believe that a chance to test our personal competencies in a new and challenging milieu can be really beneficial for us, too. Since recently we have established co-operative relationships with a steadily growing circle of partners from all over Europe, we hope to set up the bases of further training in some of these institutions. Thus, the individual mobility projects covering 6 days each would be designed to take place in Austria (2 persons), Germany (1), Italy (2), England (1), and one of the Scandinavian (1) and/or neighboring countries. The training plans related to these study trips are tailored specifically to the persons involved, so we expect to further strengthen the competencies and knowledge basically required for their everyday work but, at the same time, we would also like to provide them with a chance to build new skills and proficiencies. If we get the funding to implement this project, our staff members would be able to utilize the newly acquired competencies almost immediately, as they would visit institutions that pursue activities very much like ours. Conversely, all of the potential partners selected so far would also be in possession of experience and best practices that will hopefully prove to be necessary and adaptable for us as well.

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