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Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project "Don’t be afraid to work abroad" is the continuation of the successful projects from previous years, when we have started to cooperate and strenghten the relationships with other schools and institutions in EU countries. Our school is the founder of the project as well as the sending organization. The project is a reaction to the need of education for the competitivness, higher qualification, more knoweldge and skills that are demanded by the contemporary society. The aim of the project is to improve and intenstify professional and language competences of our students, to connected professional education with training, innovation of the forms and the way of education, improvement of the proffesional education and make it more attractive. Participation in Erasmus+ programme helps our school to be more prestigious, the vocational and study fileds are more attractive at our school and students of bassic schools are positivitely influenced when they have to decide, where to study in the future. The present society has big demands on education and professional skills and people who would like to work, need high qualfication that is the reason we have decided to provide our students to get experience in EU countries. Professional internships are accepted as a part of professional training and praxis. In this project, the students of the filed Hotel and tourism, Travelling, Social care, Business, trade, services, Cook -waiter, Hairdresser and Cosmetician will be involved. The participants are going to train in the work - places (ensured by the contract) and in the school - places together with the students from partner schools. We want to put an emphasis on higher competitivness, higher quality of team - work, improvement of psychological aspects of education, improvement vocational skills and higher quality of communication. The project should support the improvement of the business, intercultural and social competences of all participants. The participation in this project, should have a positive influence of the professional growth of the participants and also could help them to find a place at job - market. The students from socially handicapped families will also be participating in this project. They will be given the opportunity to go abroad because of their low financial possibilities.We assume the project can offer better motivation for study, getting new professional experience, improvement of language skills both in professional area and everyday situations, better orientation at labour market.Every participant gets Europass-mobility that should help them fot better employment in terms of all Europe. Planned activities: 1. Spain (Tenerife) - February 2015 2. Portugal - May 2015 3. Estonia - September 2015 4. Germany- March 2016 The project is prepared for 28 students (20 students of vocational fields and 8 students of study fields) . The choice of studetns is going to be done by their activities which are necessary for them during internships, for their self-examination and valuable when looking for the future job.Studetns who are interested to take part in internship are choosen by beforehend set criterions. During internship, students have to do tasks choosen by a sending school. When they come back, students have to write about their new experience and pieces of knowledge according to instructions that teachers of vocational fileds tell them.The presention of the project can be done in the form of CD´s, calendars, brochuers of visited countries.All the materials are going to be used when presenting the school at the events called The day of open doors and at at the Christmas exhibition, at meetings with students of basic schools and for students of SČMSD. The project should be the oppurtunity not only for students, but also for pedagogues and their profession growth. It should also help to increase the attraction and effectiveness of the education at our school and to deepen the international cooperation.
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