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Ne sois pas victime de ton sexe!
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project is the continuity of a UN program called “Stop The Violence” which is fighting the violence perpetrated against women, a major issue as it is a violation of Human Right and prevents development. Laws and recommendations have been adopted, however, they are not applied or respected. Our project aims at bringing an evolution in peoples’ mentalities and at transforming attitudes.Thus, its purpose is a better respect and protection of women and young women in their physical and moral integrity through a greater awareness and a reflection on the different forms of violence and sexism. This project intends to transform everybody’s attitude concerning violence. Then, it plans to facilitate debates between guest speakers, decision-makers and young people in order to encourage the latter to be active in governmental and citizen actions, in addition to pushing decision-makers to take into account young people’s voices. Finally, another objective of the project is to come to solutions and united visions following the meeting.This project is carried by the French Scouts and Guides from Toulouse, which is an association focused on youth and working on a non-formal education for young people, by young people. Four highly motivated students, animated by this cause (2 of them are formed to Stop The Violence), will direct this project. It will be their first experience in managing a European project whilst being supported by experienced professionals. Then, three high school classes aged 15-18 will participate in this project, with a third of them coming from priority zones of the council politics. There will be 90 girls and boys in order to favour both gender implication in the fight. Finally, other participants will be present: company representatives, public service representatives, professors, associations, professionals (in the medical and legal sectors). There will be about 15, women as well as men in order to also respect the gender balance. Four activities will be conducted from September to November. First, a preparatory phase consisting in educational and playful sessions will take place with the high school pupils during September. Then, open public debates on predetermined subjects will occur on the morning of the 25th of November. Afterward, a presentation of pupils’ work produced throughout September will happen in front of the decision-makers and representatives during the afternoon. Finally, four workshops related to actions against the violence will take place.The methods used are non-formal, even though some theory will be brought to the pupils in September since it will constitute a necessary base for their progress in the project. They will produce works inspired from the “Stop The Violence” program, linked to three subjects: violence, sexism, and finding solutions. It consists in the realisation of problem trees, of ads, and changes or of law proposal. The pupils will indirectly acquire knowledge through the production of those works, which will be commentated by the decision-makers on the 25th of November to help pupils to improve themselves. Then, the debates between experts are aimed at pupils to understand different views and question their freshly accumulated learning. They will be able to listen to opinions thus enabling them to develop their thoughts. Finally, four playful workshops will be proposed to pupils and decision makers mixed in small groups, and will lead participants to challenge themselves and reflect on violence and actions. By favouring an exchange between the two, those workshops will allow both to acquire knowledge by practice and it will be a special moment between decision-makers and pupils. The desired result of the project is the obtainment of experience and the skills improvement of participants throughout the activities. Therefore, the consequence will be a collective awareness and a transformation of attitudes regarding violence. In addition, following the meeting between decision-makers and young people, the latter would have been involved in reflections on major issues, consequently motivating them and showing them that they count. Plus, decision-makers would have seen that young people have an important vision and need to be more integrated as highly valuable member in order to achieve progress, by taking advantage of their fresh perception.In this way, the long term benefit will be that young people will be motivated to pursue the fight, inspired from the project to take it as a subject for a school project, or being involved in associations, and being willing to participate in the progress. Thus, they will be more implicated in social policy, showing the example and transmitting this aim. Likewise, through the years, decision-makers will include progressively the youngest in their consultations and decisions, since this project will help in favouring their meeting, and on the long term, a greater consideration of youth will take place.

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