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Nauka - zdrowie - wychowanie: europejskie doświadczenia źródłem naszych inspiracji.
Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The objectives of this project are a thorough development of our school as well as the enhancement of international cooperation through the staff mobility. Its title: "Learning – Healthcare – Upbringing: the European Experiences as a Source of Our Inspirations” strictly covers the areas it aims. The cooperation between the three partners and the course organiser will provide 12 teachers presenting different levels of experience and job seniority with Erasmus Plus Training Program benefits. Their active participation in staff mobility will help our school gain an European like status of modern cooperative school with highly skilled teachers ready to fulfill contemporary educational, pedagogical and cultural needs. We will incorporate the European values using modern technological tools (e-learning), praising a healthy life style and qualities like tolerance, ethics, good manners, thus proudly educating European citizens. Our school will be familiar with differences present among other European educational systems, taking advantages of various solutions to school problems thanks to sharing and exchanging ideas. We strive for taking the most of planned actions as their specific character meets our school needs and expectations. The methodology course as well as job shadowing at our partners’ will certainly contribute to reaching our objectives. A lot of steps have already been taken in order to accomplish this project. The main actions include defining our aims, a considered selection of partners, electing a coordinator and teachers and making all preliminary arrangements. The coordinator and elected staff are to supervise all the preparation issues, maintain contact with partners, provide a purely linguistic, cultural and e-learning pre-course training, monitor action in progress as well as further evaluation and effects implementation. Our school considers the effects prominent to its activity. Using modern up-to-date teaching methods and techniques finds its place among other ones like applying e-learning platform, modifying school documents and creating the school’s profile at e-Twinning platform as well as starting a new project within KA2 – Cooperation and Innovation for Good Practices. As for the issue of dissemination, every aspect of experience and knowledge gained is to be shared via different channels including our website, library and teaching staff meetings with other teachers, parents and especially with the probationers aiming for job experience in our school within another European project called Lider. The trained teaching staff, modern European school, educated students and satisfied parents all give the opportunity to reach long term goals. Maintaning international contacts, constant corresponding with teachers and students of other European countries, sharing good practice, organising youth exchanges, participating in different projects all this enable us raising the level of Europeanism throughout the following decades.
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3 Partners Participants