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Nauczyciel dwujęzyczny a sukces uczniów na rodzimym i europejskim rynku pracy.
Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

As we are aspiring to become an institution at European level , and bearing in mind that our students in the future may thave to tackle the problem of unemployment and thus social exclusion we want to help them find their place in the new realities of Europe by increasing the amount of English in our school. To achieve this goal teachers first must acquire sufficient competence to teach classes with some elements of the English language. The location of our town impede the free access to a wide range of educational possibilities offered by larger cities . Many of our students come from families with financial difficulties . The aim of the project is to support teachers in acquiring new skills and knowledge and support students who are struggling to assimilate the English language and enable them to achieve higher scores on the exam after the sixth grade . Participation in the project will improve the quality of teaching and the competitiveness of Zespół Szkół in Siewierz . We will also get the tools to continue a wide range of educational ofer for classes IV- VI of primary school. Teaching at the school will gain a European character and thereby minimize the risk of unemployment among our graduates and the risk of social exclusion due to ignorance of the English language of the graduates who plan to go abroad in search for work. The participants of the project are teachers who teach in primary school and the coordinator. A a result of the project, the teachers will teach their lessons with elements of English. To be sure that the teachers will reach satisfactory level of language skills we will organize a language coursei n the workplace which will be conducted by an external company chosen on the basis of stated criteria . Then the teachers will take part in a language course in the UK, where they will acquire communicative competence . Zespół Szkół in Siewierz will work with other schools in Europe that want to apply the teaching in two languages as part of the e - twinning programme . The purpose of the cooperation will be to exchange experiences and working methods. The final stage of the project will be to develop appropriate documents which legalise the classes taughr with the elements of the English language.
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