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National system for professionalization of adult educators: improvement, innovation, articulation
Start date: Feb 1, 2012,

The professionalization of the staff involved in adult education (AE) has been a challenging topic since Lisbon Strategy 2000, and it is still high on EU agenda, being claimed again in relation with the quality of the education and training provision in “ET 2020”. At European level plenty of initiatives have been taken (Memorandum on Lifelong Learning/2000, Communication and Adult Learning/2006 “It is never too late to learn”, the Action Plan on Adult Learning/2007 “It is always a good time to learn”, the studies ALPINE/2008, and Key competencies for adult learning professionals - ALPs/2010), but each Member State is responsible for its own education and training system, including the one for the professionalization of ALPs.Romania, although already has had a train the trainer system consisting in three different career pathways, still has to undertake plenty of actions and initiatives in order to improve it. This project aims to realize the link between these existing pathways and to make the system functional, efficient and articulated both for initial and continuing professional development (CPD), in order to improve the professional status of ALPs. Through its activities, the project gathers together all actors involved in AE at national level: practitioners, public bodies, relevant stakeholders and decision makers. All these relevant target groups will be involved in the national survey and will participate at national workshop, in order to design a coherent system of qualifying ALPs, to provide them the opportunity for CPD. Also, as a consequence of these project activities, the Romanian Adult Educators' Association will be establish which will allow the sustainable growth of the professional status and the continuum dialogue between all those involved in adult educational field at national level.The Ministry of Education is partner in the project, assuring that the new design will be implemented, as the Law on Education 1/2011 stipulates.

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  •   75 843,00
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  • Project on ERASMUS Platform

3 Partners Participants