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National Conservation and Management Programme for Natura 2000 Sites in Latvia (NAT-PROGRAMME)
Start date: Sep 1, 2012, End date: Dec 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background The 2007 Article 17 evaluation of about status of Latvia's species and habitats showed that only 31% of habitats and 50% of species (other than birds) of EU importance were in a 'favourable' conservation status in the country. Natura 2000 network sites provide a tool to help improve the conservation status of important species and habitats. Some 325 terrestrial Natura 2000 sites have been designated in Latvia. All of these sites require careful management based on a sound understanding of the conservation needs of habitats and species that are targeted by the Natura 2000 designations. Gaps exist in the implementation of management plans for Latvia’s Natura 2000 sites and the new programming period of EU rural development funding support offers opportunities to address these gaps. Objectives The aim of this project is to prepare, on the basis of the approach of the Priority Action Frameworks (PAFs), concrete and operational measures for the Natura 2000 network. This LIFE Nature project aims to draft guidelines for the management of each terrestrial habitat type within Latvia’s Natura 2000 network. It will prepare a National Conservation and Management Programme that will be designed to inform and complement the forthcoming 2014-2020 Latvian Rural Development Programme. The project will target all 325 of Latvia’s terrestrial Natura 2000 sites. These include some 55 Annex I habitats. The project will ensure a coordinated and programmed approach to safeguarding the long-term conservation and management of Latvia’s Natura 2000 network sites. Stakeholder participation will feature strongly in the project activities which shall promote involvement in nature management implementation by public authorities, nature conservation experts, NGOs, municipalities, local entrepreneurs, landowners and other stakeholders. The project will target awareness-raising actions at these bodies to increase know-how about appropriate nature conservation and management measures, as well as the financial resources that are available for Natura 2000 sites in Latvia. Expected results: A National Conservation and Management Programme for Natura 2000 sites in Latvia will be drafted and made available online in Latvian, English and Russian. It will be distributed among state institutions, municipalities NGOs and other stakeholders, in Latvia and in other countries; Conservation management guidelines for coastal areas, freshwater habitats, grasslands, bogs and forests, rocky habitats and caves will be drafted and published online and in print format (6 000 copies) in Latvian, English and Russian. Brochures (5 400 copies) covering practical management requirements for each habitat group will also be produced; and A new training programme on Natura 2000 management and associated financing options will be prepared and delivered. This capacity-building training will involve various seminars and workshops and reach 1 000 people from stakeholder groups including public authorities, nature conservation experts, NGOs, municipalities, local entrepreneurs, landowners and other stakeholders.
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