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Naši hvězdáři za vzdělávacími programy planetárií a science center v Evropě
Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

According to its motto "Astronomy for public, Europe for astronomers" the target of our project is to increase competence of educators of Brno Observatory and Planetarium working on lifelong and informal learning . Observatory is being operated by the city Brno as a non profit organization. The domain of Observatory is applying scientific research results into educational programs for visitors across the age spectrum. Main targets of this mobility are: - to familiarize the Czech visiting astronomers with the process of creating educational program shows in the foreign cooperating large observatories with emphasis on visual and dramaturgic aspects of the shows; possibly followed up with future cooperation in production of these shows or exchange of own creations - to learn another ways of providing education for individuals in field of astronomy and stargazing (including searching and support for talented individuals, seniors and persons with specific needs) - to introduce visiting astronomers to routines and common principles of organizing interactive astronomical and scientific exhibitions for public; discussing about preparations an logistics of these exhibitions - to exchange experience with functioning of digital planetariums - to evolve informal learning with emphasis on scientific and technical fields - to shadow activities of foreign observatories and planetariums - to earn contacts (e. g. for publishing activities) - to lay the foundations for the network of observatories and science centres in central Europe We suggest short-term mobility within the range of 3-10 days for 6 employees each in observatories and planetariums in Poland, Slovakia, Turkey (4 persons) and France. We suppose communication in English, possibly Polish. There are some results and impact expected: foreign institution's visits support educators of our Observatory in obtaining and profiting from new knowledge, facilities and acquirements, in increasing of quality and innovation in public relations, in making scientific and technical field more attractive, in improving intergenerational interactions of mutual activities of Observatory visitors and also in improving the quality and quantity of cooperation in between of equivalent institutions (the opportunities for exchanges among observatories on national levels are limited currently). The mobility project will also support the progress of innovative methods in the area of lifelong learning (e. g. inspirations for e-learning activities) and, considering to the need of producing new transferable programs for digital planetariums, particularly the development of innovations targeted in digital technologies.

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