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Naše dedičstvo - kultúra i tradície
Start date: Aug 23, 2015, End date: Nov 22, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project entitled "Our heritage - culture and Traditions" will be carried out between the municipality of Lendak and Polish partner of Grodek nad Dunajcem. The project aims to enhance and expand the knowledge and skills of 40 participants, aged 13 to 30 years of. Polish and Slovak traditions, customs and culture of both participating countries and increase the level of knowledge of getting to know the regional customs, traditions and culture of Polish and Slovaks and refinement. This objective is based on the acquired crave cultivating traditions and needs of children and young people, so as to preserve these traditions, customs and culture for future generations. The project will be credited to the intersection of different cultures, their interrelationships and their differences. The participants are young people from the Polish group "Rożnowioki" and Slovak folk group "Kicora" (21 girls, 19 boys), 4 caregivers. The project is scheduled for a series of workshops, as it is during the calendar year. The project will be implemented in workshops about customs of Christmas, Easter, the celebration of "Pentecost" and "Green Holidays" and traditional harvest festival. Workshops showing the customs, traditions and ceremonies will be held in the form of stories, games, dances and discussions. Individual workshops are intended to explain the different cultures, traditions and customs peculiar to the country, arousing national and local patriotism, building an active and informed civil society and to future generations. Project participants gain knowledge of the traditions, customs and cultures of neighboring countries, the refinement of tradition, customs and culture and ensure the transmission to future generations. Implementation of the project through the knowledge and skills of traditions, customs and culture of the participants at the local level to develop a desire to cultivate these traditions, deepen their knowledge of the problem and implement them in everyday life. Seminars organized during exchanges will allow the acquisition of practical and theoretical knowledge. It also ensures we presented different outcomes participants folk groups to a wide audience through local Lendak magazine and website partners.

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