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Narva Keeltelütseum 2020 teel
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The present project is meant for developing teachers' competences in foreign languages, CLIL, teaching sciences, e-learning, entrepreneurship and project management fields. The project team consists of the school principal, head of studies and 8 teachers. The project application was made under the principal's leadership by the whole team.Individual participation in a training abroad is the first experience for most of the project participants.Our main reason to initiate this project is to become a school, in which teachers and students speak English fluently, take part in international cooperation within the learning process at school, work and communicate with the world virtually and in reality, feel their responsibility for future of the society, initiate their projects and see school as an environment for development and innovation.Digital environment, cross-curricular integration, support of entrepreneurship, fluency in English, international cooperation in the school life are those tools that help our students to achieve the skills and attitudes necessary in 21st century.The project is important for improving teachers' competences and increasing the quality and modernisation of our school work. All the courses planned in the project are directly connected with transversal topics of Estonian state curriculum: sustainable development, entrepreneurship, cultural awareness, digital world, etc.The project objectives:1. improvement of 10 teachers' professional and key competences. The effectiveness is measured by the questionnaires in the beginning and the end of the project.2. creation of new contacts for the school internationalisation. By the end of the project we are to establish at least two virtual projects in etwinning environment.3. extension of our school competence spheres and modernisation of our activities (outcomes of the project learning programmes are used in working out a new school development plan and changing organisation of the learning process in school). 4. becoming prepared for teaching students with diverse cultural background.As a result of mobilities the teachers acquire their international experience individually, meet themselves and the world, improve their knowledge and competences. All the mobilities are arranged during school holidays, because it is important for us not to disturb the students' learning process.The in-service trainings selected for the project:"Let´s make our school more international", Spain"English for Effective Communication", UK"Education for sustainable development", Greece"Literature and Drama in Language Teaching", UK"Teaching Entrepreneurship in Schools: Experiential approach" Slovenia"CLIL and its benefits", Germany"CLIL in Dublin: Content and Language Integrated Learning", Ireland"Spice Up your Teaching Ideas -Language Teaching Methodology in Practice Today", Malta"Language Learning Fun and Games -Methodology for Primary School", MaltaMOODLE IN ACTION, ItalyIn the end of the project there will be a public event "21st century school in Narva. Strengths and challenges". During the project we will arrange several internal trainings for teachers of our school in order to implement new knowledge in the school learning process. As a result of the project the teachers' professional competences will be improved, we will become more prepared for innovations and changes, we will be prepared for social, cultural and language diversity and will learn to deal with it, we will become more supportive to students and their mobilities as a learning process, our foreign language skills will be much better and the project participants' motivation and satisfaction with their work will improve. The teachers participating in the project will receive a valuable experience, which will influence their life and work. We hope that they will start making their own projects with students and contribute to the school development on international level. The project will become a start for new opportunities, new vision, ability to make decisions, openness to innovations.

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