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„NARROW THE GAP. Language School Adult Education Staff Up-skill”
Start date: Dec 1, 2014, End date: Nov 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project „NARROW THE GAP. Language School Adult Education Staff Up-skill” complies with the European Agenda for Adult Learning recommendations to reach the 15% benchmark of participation of adults in lifelong learning by 2020. The project wants to contribute towards narrowing the gap which is particularly painful in Poland where the participation of adults in learning is 4,5%. The Project aims at better education provision for adult learners by upgrading professional qualifications of staff of the applicant organisation which is the institution for on-going adult education. Training mobilities planned within the project are embedded in the strategic European Development Plan of the institution. Within one year, 23 staff members - teachers and volunteers ( unemployed graduates and retired teachers) will get trained by 3 partner organisations in 3 European countries. The educational mobilities will last from 9 to 21 days. 15 project participants will undergo English or Spanish language and/or language methodology trainings, 8 project participants will learn how to become a volunteers tutor within adult literacy training. As a result of the training, the applicant organisation and its staff will get better understanding of adult education needs and methodology. The far-sighted results will be better educational prospects for the adult education in our country and particularly for the underprivileged. In that way the project „NARROW THE GAP” intends to contribute towards narrowing the gap between Poland and the European standards.

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