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Na zkušenou do Evropy
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project will enable our students to acquire professional experience in foreign companies. The project builds on previous projects of internships abroad in the years 2013 and 2014. The projects enable us to continuously improve the quality of vocational education and react to the situation on the labor market. In our region there is a number of companies in the field of mechanical engineering, automotive and electrical engineering. There is demand for graduates of technical schools who have a high level of technical expertise, practice (foreign practice is a big advantage) and speak English well. We have been trying hard to meet these requirements. And we are successful, we were awarded by regional employers as the winner of the "Recommended by employers 2014" competition. It means that our school prepares its students well for employment. The project aims to improve the quality of professional practice and adapt practical training of participants to the needs of the labor market. During the internship participants will apply their knowledge in practice and gain new expertise, skills and competencies. Other project´s objectives are to gain work habits, learn the organization of work in a foreign company, increase labor mobility of participants, and improve their language skills and motivation for further education. The project has to contribute to the personal and intercultural development of participants. The project will enable the school to develop long-term cooperation with foreign partners, establish new contacts and transfer knowledge from abroad, which can be used to improve teaching quality. The project also aims to increase the attractiveness of study and strengthen the prestige of the school. It will also be beneficial to use ECVET in standardizing of results of internships. Placements will be attended by 25 students from the 3rd year of secondary school and from the second year of higher vocational school. Participants will come from all fields of study at schools (engineering, electrical engineering, computer science, technical lyceum). All internships will be 4 weeks long and will take place in the period from June to July 2016. 15 participants will go to the UK and 10 to Ireland. Internships will be held in the field of electrical engineering, IT, design and multimedia. We will also send two accompanying persons (one in each country) for the 1st half of the placements. The project will take 12 months and will start in October 2015. Before leaving for the internship, participants will attend preparatory course in English, cultural and organizational preparation. Placements will take place in small and medium-sized companies in the field of technical administration, technical and technological preparation of production, construction, maintenance and servicing, programming of CNC machines, measurement, quality control, work with office applications, computer graphics, web design, CAD systems, programming, creation and administration of computer networks, etc. Project results will be mainly intangible. The project is focused on the professional development of participants, so the output will be their knowledge, skills and competencies in professional, linguistic and intercultural field and development of their personality. Tangible results will be in the form of documents (certificates of participants, ECVET evaluation reports, photographs from placements and articles on the internet and in print media). The project will have an impact on further study, career and personal life of the participants. Participants will be motivated to further study of English and be able to use English for professional and personal purposes. Placements will increase the mobility of participants and their future employability. On a personal level project will increase adaptability, autonomy and self-esteem of participants. The project will contribute to promoting the good name of the school and growing its prestige. It will improve the attractiveness and quality of studies. Thanks to the expected growth of interest in studying at school, in the longer term we will be able to offer employers in the region greater number of technically educated workers, which is currently lack. At European level, the project will be reflected in the increase of labor mobility of participants, development of knowledge of foreign languages, ECVET implementation and use of Europass Mobility.

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