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Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The work programme 2016 (WP2016) is year 2 of the 3 year plan outlined in the original application.The work initiated in 2015 through 3 key themes will be pursued and so WP2016 will support:-Modernisation of VET -Enhanced learning mobility (priority 2016)-Recognition of non-formal and informal learning (NFIL)Aligned with the objectives of the call, EU policies, the realities of the sport sector and the mission/expertise of EOSE, a series of 18 activities has been designed to keep the momentum high and to enhance the skills of the workforce (professionals and volunteers) in the sector, to modernise education systems, share good practice, increase awareness of EU policies/tools, and to promote learning mobility. WP2016 has been aligned with findings from 2015 and following consultation with national members - it includes:-Statutory meetings-Capacity building-High level dialogue/policy debate-Communication-EU funding opportunities-Desk research-Learning Mobility -NFILThe evolving relationship with our members and partners is central and the WP2016 is designed around a CASCADE Model. This model is designed to enhance the capacity and effectiveness of EOSE in its role as a civil society organisation, linking the Sector to key EU policies and initiatives that will in turn enhance the Sector and help it realise its economic and social potential. EOSE will cascade information, tools, methodologies and good practice to its national members that will be trained and supported in their use and implementation. Centrally, EOSE will enhance awareness and understanding of EU policy and funding programmes, improve communication with members and train them to become agents of change, meet national stakeholders to debate skills issues and joint actions, and facilitate and support EU cooperation and national activities. A series of planned consultations and research will flow back up the cascade to enable EOSE to inform the policy debate at the EU level and influence it.Priority will be given to Learning Mobility to create the conditions to unlock its potential for the development of the sport sector as immense benefits could be reached if the sector adopts a culture of Mobility. A recent EC study underlined a strong interest for learning mobility in sport but demonstrated the demand has lain dormant because awareness levels have been low and sport has lacked the organisation and capacity to engage. The objective for 2016 is to create the conditions for sport to benefit more from these opportunities of mobility, to increase the level of awareness and take up, to maximise the added value and provide some support and mechanisms to make mobility a reality.The topic of NFIL will be the priority for 2017 and the WP2016 will explore examples of good practice and encourage debate on the use of sport to increase employability of individuals and re-engagement into education/employment, and will try to identify tools to support the recognition of learning and skills acquired through sport (e.g social, civic, intercultural). Target groups-Internal: EOSE members and partners-External: Policy makers and representative organisations from the sector at EU and national level - Employers, Employees, Students, Volunteers, Olympic Committees, Sport NGOs, Federations, Ministries, Education Providers – consultative network. Representative organisations outside the sector and Civil Society organisations – share good practice and explore cooperation.
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