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Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Through the activities, ENQA works towards a) a stronger European dimension in QA of HE shared by the main stakeholders with elaboration of practice oriented reports, with policy recommendations; b) a fast and efficient implementation of the ESG 2015 through training for reviewers and agencies, an agency survey on main challenges, and joint activities with the other stakeholders; c) professional external reviews that help agencies to constantly improve; d) enhanced cooperation with other regions with focus on capacity building in the ASEAN and in Africa. All of these correspond to precise EU policy objectives, and the capacity building activities are a way to address the expectations of the Paris Declaration, by supporting building of trust and an intercultural dialogue to further support mobility and recognition. Various methods of work are used to reach the objectives. Mainly, these include working groups, events, policy dialogue, as well as agency reviews. ENQA’s activities in 2016 can be summarised under the following headings: Events: Members Forum, training and reviewer’s seminar, networking event, thematic workshops (staff development, elearning, and recognition), EQAF, ESG conferences. Outputs: 3 x 100 people informed on ESG 2015 with feedback for policy level, 30 trained reviewers, reinforced links to policy makers and stakeholders, and dissemination of project and WG results; event reports. Statutory activities: GA, board meetings. Outputs: membership decisions, shaping of ENQA policy positions, and development and management related activities. Projects: EQUIP, EQTel, IMPALA, SHARE, ASEAN-QA, QA in Africa, IQM, TeSLA, NQF-J, SHEILA. Outputs include reports, recommendations, good practice, capacity building and events. Policy development: E4 group, BFUG and sub-working groups, and EQAR. ENQA working groups; implementation of the ESG and QA of joint programmes; information and exchange with members on policy issues. Outputs: reports of the working groups and ENQA position papers on thematic issues; newsletter articles and information briefs; presentations at events; specific thematic events (see above). Reviews: 12 agency reviews in 2016 to ensure alignment of individual agencies with the ESG; cross-analysis of the reports and detection of good practice. The main direct target group are the QA agencies, but in 2016 ENQA has given emphasis to involvement of the main stakeholders (E4, EI, BusinessEurope) across its activities. In addition, policy makers are important target groups, as ENQA aims at supporting the implementation of European policy objectives, and evidence-based decision making. In 2016 the impact on stakeholders from other world regions will be stronger than in the past due to the related projects. ENQA involves a large number of its members in an active way (in addition to attendance to events). Policy work is carried out by a 9-member Board. ENQA WGs are composed of representatives of over 30 agencies, from over 20 countries. In the current EU funded projects more than 20 members participate as leaders or partners. ENQA has well-established communication channels with the members: direct mailing, the newsletter and website, information briefs (“Note from the President”) as well as the members’ events. The Board receives reports on all activities six times a year and the success of activities is assessed by confronting the annual work plan with the report of activities at the end of each year.

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