Search for European Projects

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

As the world leading voice of professional Circus Arts Education and the only Arts Education network in KA3,FEDEC’s 2016 Work Programme’s activities and collaborations will enable a significant contribution to key EU priorities in Education and Training, Youth, Culture, Sport and Employment.FEDEC’s cross-sectoral approach will continue to create unprecedented synergies and impact many complementary stakeholders by involving training centres of all levels of education.,nat. federations,authorities,qualification bodies,employers,creative industries,Arts edu.,youth and LLL civil society plateforms.2015 WP is divided in 4 categories:1 Communication,awareness raising,capacity building(act.1-6)Obj:Raise stakeholder awareness on a significant EU policy agendas,ensure active participation in programs & policy making by-implementing a communication,dissemination,a capacity building strategy for members or external partners-launching a cross-sectoral info Hub on EU policy agendas-organising 4 national events with nat.federations,schools& their sectoral,local,reg,nat. authorities-monitoring on-going ET reforms to contribute to the effectiveness of EU Semesters2 Inter-sectoral dialogue,joint strategies for policies,advocacy(act.7-14)Obj:Ensure a dialogue via a sector-based strategy to ET2020 and 5 cross-sectoral WG leading to joint strategies &thematic joint grassroots recommendations for evidence-based policy between circus & Arts1. ET2.Nat.authorities involvement3.Employers/creative industries for transition to work:Circostrada4.Youth : EU Youth Forum+EP+DG EAC5.LLL: EUCIS3 Actions and sectoral recommendations for evidence-based policies(act9-33)Obj:Contribute to evidence-based policy and to the specific objectives of KA3 Call by focusing on 6 FEDEC topics of excellence via a multi-disciplinary and cross-sectoral approach to ensure a wide impact and transfer of results to other ET or economic fields:a.Transversal skills:E-ship,digital,e-skills via multilingual OER,e-learning learningb.Knowledge triangle:partnerships between schools,research bodies and companiesc.Innovative and sustainable funding approachesd.Equal opportunities for all circus learners: circus training as an innovative tool for social inclusione.Dvlpt of a new generation of teachers and school leaders: definition/recognition of the profession of circus arts teacher, continuous training with new skills for teachers, and pedagogical/artistic leadersf.Recognizing and valuing competences: focus on learning mobility opportunities with the FEDEC Passport for students and validation tools for NFIL of teachers27 actions will advance the sector towards these objectives:Working Groups,(inter)national events,pilot projects, OER,peer learning activities,applied research,mobility opportunities and recognition tools,competence frameworks and occupational profile of teachers/artists.4 Organisational develpt,governance and quality assurance(act 7-8/40-44)Obj:Create a democratic-sustainable framework to warrant the implementation of a quality WP,impact to boost members’/external partners’ participation in ET & EU actions by:-organising Board and General Assembly to identify mid/long-term sector priorities,strategy for cross-sectoral dialogue w/key stakeholders-EU tools:application of the EQF for new circus arts qualifications,more readable NQF-course design and delivery for a coherent skills and employment development-dvlp a sectoral/nat./EU level approach to QA

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