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Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Human capital development and education are more than ever at the centre of a knowledge economy, especially inmkaing people more amployable. In order to realize that, there is a strong need for innovation of VET: a VET system which is open, attractive and easily accesible for all people, including adults, workers and job seekers, a VET system with new efficient working and teaching processes and which prepares young people not only to do a particular job, but to be flexible on the labour market. When working on these issues in the EVTA network in the last two years, it seemed that one of the most important, but difficult elements is the recognition and certification of competences. As certicifation is linked to formal certificates it is often a very delicate issue (and thus ignored/ avoided). However, in order to innovate VET, to make VET systems open for everybody and to make sure that VET can really contribute to make people more employable, it is one of the most important elements to deal with. Main questions and challenges in this context are:- how 'open' is our educational system for the people in our own country, who are not enrolled in a training programme?- how can non formal and informal competences be recognized (and certified) so that these people can achieve a certificate or enter the educational system at their level? Are there any good examples? How is the link with the formal NQF made?- underlining that work based training and mobility supports the development of people and to make them more employable, how to validate, recognize and certify these competences gained in another context? - how can quality assurance, like EQAVET, help to realize these objectives?The EVTA workprogramme for 2014 is centered around: "awareness- involvement- capacity building- commitment". As certification is a delicate issue, it more than ever important to raise awareness, to involve the right people, to collaborate together and to see how we can make one step further to more transparent and open VET systems in the EVTA network. Activities and deliverables for 2014:Awareness raising: Activities focussed on reaching an as broad as possible target group and geographical range to create visibility around the activities, to introduce the theme and to trigger people to contribute to discussions and activities. Tools:1. Interactive "EVTA TV" sessions;2. EVTA social media (facebook, linked-in group);Involvement: Activities focused on bringing together policy makers and experts around the table in order to hear different views on the theme of "certification" on behalf of the world of education and work and to give support and direction to the EVTA activities.Methodology:3. ´Red carpet´ high level meetings with policy makers and experts 4. Collaboration with other VET providers associations Capacity building: Activities focused on exchange of good practices and sharing expertise in the field of certification, with the aim to increase capacity at operational and strategic level. Methodology:5. inventory, collection and exchange of good practices and case studies (2/yr)6. peer learning groups and workshops (2/yr)Commitment: Activities focused on bringing together the operational and strategic activities as mentioned above together in policy recommendations for EVTA member organisations and for the next EVTA work programme. Methodology:7. EVTA General Assemblies (2/yr) with open conference/ executive meetings (5/yr)

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