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Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

CEC 2014 work programme will have some transversal and specific activities :Transversal activities during 2014 :- CEC's /CET Think tank aim to sensibilise the MEP's to the necessity of promoting VET policies abled to assuring re-and up-skilling of low -skilled people.These meetings occures nearly every 5 weeks - Promote partnerships and networkings between learning providers, companies and social partners as well as actions to align VET policies with economic development strategies;- Awareness-raising in Education and Training policies (Europe 2020, ET 2020, Erasmus+, ESF.. ) - Promote new qualification paths in green and whites jobs as well in the NTIC and entrepreneurship sectors Specific activities :01/14: - Information and explanation to CEC'S members of the E.U. Education and Training programmes to identify possible European collaboratives partnerships ;- Series of bilateral meetings with E.C. services to analyse and debate to VET issues and more particularly for the low-skilled people. 02/14:- Synthesis of all the CEC's proposals projects on VET programmes. Moreover, to improve quality of partnerships by identifyng others transnational stakelholders (companies, national or regional VET providers, public authorities etc..) - CEC'S Bureau : gathering the CEC'S President and Vice president and member of board of directors for the presenting of a first draft of the Education and Training guidelines and projects that CEC's members are going to work on. - CEC/CSR meeting to work on common projects in the field of VET in 2014/2015 03 to 05/ 2014 :- Transnational meetings in Barcelona in the framework of Leonardo Toi "Atoms" project to propose new tools to reduce schools early leaving, presentation of the programme Erasmus + to IT , SP, F, BE schools and VET providers.-Setting-up with the CEC'S members of the Eramus+ proposals to submit in March and april 2014. - Training of Belgian, Italian, French and Spanish trainers in methodologies to reduce the students (12 to 18 years old)drop-out in scholarship. 06/14 : - CEC'S Working Group exchanges of best practices between the CEC'S partners in the field of the development of new VET curricula and partnerships enhancing employment for the low-skilled groups.- CEC'S Board of directors and General Assembly -European Seminar on "How to tackle youth unemployment in Europe" the 20th of June 2014 in Brussels coorganised with EZA and Centre Européen du Travail with the participation of European Commission, Business Europe and ETUC 07/14 Synthesis of CEC's best practices and follow-up of EU and national VET policies 09 & 10/14 - Transnational working group in Lyon on identification and selection of at least 20 best practices on trainings curricula accessible to low-skilled people to be set-up in link with the companies needs - First assesment of the proposed best practices on VET curricula for low-skilled groups - Testing of the Belgian method SAS (School Hanging Services) on 100 students from FR, BE, IT, ES in situation of droping-out 11/14 CEC'S working group to prepare a European memorandum on best practices on trainings curricula accessible to low-skilled people based on the labour market needs 12/14 European seminar on Skills for equipping low skilled people, presentation of the memorandum and recommandations to the European VET stakeholders. Final project evaluation.

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