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Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The work programme of 2014 has been structured in 7 categories and is composed of 45 activities. Most of the activities are long-term and therefore repeat each other, they are however necessary for the successful implementation of innovative and learner centred approaches. The structure of the programme is as follows: 1 - Statutory activities (Act-1 to act-5) are ensuring smooth operation and decision-making processes within the network: The annual meeting of the Board of Directors representing the different stakeholders of the network, the Presidents’ meetings, office meetings and the annual report. 2 - Capacity building and best practice sharing activities (Act-6 to act-11) are enabling the network actors to share best practices and ensure capacity building at all levels of the network so as to increase the quality of the activities.3 - Implementing the modernisation agenda activities (Act-12 to act-31) are enabling Universities to innovate and provide new learning methods to students while implementing learning mobility opportunities in a structured way (full recognition, mobility windows, double or joint degrees).4 - Transversal skills (Act-32 to act-33): The network places the learner at the centre of the learning activities and experiences so as to enable them to make the most out of their studies abroad by learning foreign languages (even less frequently spoken languages) and providing additional recognition. 5 - Conferences and meeting (Act-34 to act-38): Conferences and meetings are organised with national or European stakeholders to ensure continuous dissemination of activities and the exchange of views and best practices with stakeholders accross the sectors.6 - Quality Assurance activities (Act-39 to act-41): The Quality Assurance is taking place to monitor impact and quality of activities.7 - Dissemination activities (Act-40 to act-45): The dissemination activities range from traditional promotion material for students to the dissemination via online services (social media, newsletter and website).The activities of the programme are directly targeted at the students as they are the final beneficiaries of the concrete actions implemented in the framework of the programme. The actions however are reaching beyond the individuals and have a systemic impact on the Universities, stakeholders and even companies. The methodology which is deployed is approved by the Board of Directors and then implemented through the various instances of the network: Coordinators for the general coordination and smooth information flows, the Subject Committees where Professors execute the annual activity plan mainly linked to Quality Assurance and implementing mobility in a structured way in curricula, the student network which approves its own action plan in order to maintain a student centred approach and finally the Presidency and Secretariat which are responsible for the general coordination, dissemination and representation activities. The Work Programme of 2014 will be particularly important for the development of the network as it will show the first results of the development of the ex-ante recognition with the development of mobility windows and double degrees and since it will be the first year of the implementation of Erasmus+ and a lot of best practices will be shared among the Universities to use the potential of the new programmes at its best.

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