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Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our work plan for 2014 outlined below includes regular activities (e.g. General Assembly and Board Meetings; staff exchanges and capacity building; Get On-line Week) and activities related to thematic objectives and concrete projects (e.g. the Grand Coalitions for Digital Jobs; the Skillage tool, etc.). Under the 1st Pillar “Education & Training” of our Strategy 2013-2017, planned activities for 2014 include alignment of member’s new digital literacy programmes and our learning & assessment tools (e.g. Skillage) with the new digital competence frameworks promoted by the EC; consolidation of capacity building programmes for telecentres staff (the so called “e-Facilitators”); dissemination of best practices and mainstreaming; more incentives for telecentres and e-Inclusion intermediaries in general to join our broad community as formal or informal members (e.g. by expanding the Telecentre-Europe Awards). Under the 2nd Pillar “Advocacy & Campaigns”, we will continue to implement public awareness raising campaigns on the importance of e-skills (Get On-line Week); publish own position on EU policy initiatives related to e-skills and digital empowerment; align our advocacy plans with other stakeholders’ priorities. Under our 3rd Pillar “Research & Social Innovation” we will reinforce our collaboration with JRC-IPTS and key universities, conduct needs analysis, mapping of actors, theoretical and applied research on learning practices in the sphere of digital competences and socio-digital innovation. The work plan includes also cross-pillar activities: increasing cooperation with other digital inclusion networks, civil society organisations and social partners at EU, national, regional and local levels; participation in capacity building events; launch of a European Affairs service, which will regularly provide up-to-date tailored information on policy developments in the education and training field and on EU programmes and grant opportunities. It will facilitate members participation in EU funded initiatives and will encourage the creation of more partnerships and consortiums formed by several members, which will boosts our collective impact and contribution to policy goals. To ensure the sound functioning of the organisation, we have distributed the tasks and responsibilities of its bodies in a coherent and complementary manner. The strategic management is handled by the Board, which consists of reputed representatives of national telecentre networks who gather regularly on-line (through Cisco’s Webex communication platform and Basecamp) and several times a year face-to-face. The Staff is responsible for the project management and fundraising activities of the organisation. It consists of senior professionals with experience in policy making, research training and project management. To ensure the relevance of our strategy for external stakeholders, a new governance body is under formation: the Advisory Board. Our target groups include: member organisations and their networks of telecentres; e-Facilitators; groups at risk (young or elderly, migrants, unemployed people, disabled people, etc.) and all citizens with limited access to ICT skills and opportunities;other umbrella organisations in the field of digital training and non-formal learning; European institutions. Note: when the number of participants in a given activity below is 20 000, it refers to the number of individual telecentres reached by our formal network.
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