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Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our 2014 working agenda hinges upon three areas, consolidating the achievements over the last three years and responding to stimuli from the outside world: Transparency, Recognition & Positioning of PHE, and Employability. All the activities in 2014 are directly linked to the above and influence EURASHE’s work on training and capacity building, research and development, and policy and advocacy.In the field of Transparency, the well-established EURASHE working group on Quality of HE supervises/monitors the ongoing revision of the European Standards and Guidelines, participates in running projects (PHExcel) or prepares new ones, organises members’ events (2 seminars on quality assurance) and prepares the production of a Manual for Internal Quality Assurance. We want to use the diversity of our member institutions to look into synergies between VET and HE by means of peer learning events in the area of quality assurance and learning outcomes. Concretely, a thematic seminar will be organised in Walbrzych (PL) on the convergence of QA in VET and HE.Recognition issues are for EURASHE always related to the specificity of PHE and its claim to full equality to academically-orientated HE, hence the link with Positioning of PHE. As a basis we will use the results of the project on harmonising approaches to PHE (especially the drafted definition and characteristics), further enlarging the scope of activities and continuing the mission once the project is finished. In the first months this will include developing online tools for further disseminating and spreading PHE (social media, websites, online dictionaries, Wikipedia etc.). It will be based on the research conducted and a seminar on PHE in early October in Otocec (SI). The creation of a Task Force on PHE should lead to the establishment of a permanent unit in EURASHE addressing the importance of innovation and research based on the profile of Universities of Applied Sciences.Employability is a recurrent horizontal theme in EURASHE’s policy making and raising awareness, as well as our major input from our sector in the BFUG discussions (Structural Reform working group; Implementation of the Bologna Process). Based on our research on the matter that led to a study, the EURASHE working group on Employability & LLL will organise two round tables on the theme and monitor the development of a policy paper on the subject. An emphasis will be given to a strong cooperation with the world of work through mutual participation at events, project establishment and sharing of best practices. We intend to promote the Alliance for Apprenticeships among EURASHE members and sign the Pledge of the Alliance later on this year.At our events, we will host over 1.000 participants from 40 European countries. The reports and recommendations from those will be disseminated, together with other publications (such as the Manual, Study etc.), to more than 9.000 beneficiaries from our newsletter database. More than 20 organisations, civil society representatives will be introduced with those activities, especially giving focus to the world of work.There are five target groups in focus: members, PHE institutions, business and education stakeholders, wider HE community and policy makers. Activities are set up in a way to ensure that all the target groups are being well included in preparation, implementation, communication and dissemination. This provides with a strong impact on a very large group of stakeholders.

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