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Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Education and training are essential ingredients for empowering people to participate in society and to explore – amongst the others – new employment opportunities. Currently one can see a profound raise in inequalities within society: more than 120 million people are living in poverty, while 14 million young Europeans are (NEETs). Living in midst of the social and economic crisis, the enrolment in lifelong learning throughout the EU remains behind the agreed targets.Analysing these challenges, SOLIDAR Foundation, through its work, contributes to EU efforts towards social cohesion, building a socially inclusive Europe, and inclusive growth that are needed to meet targets of Europe 2020 Strategy. The objective is to focus on strengthening social inclusion, and to promote the principle of universally accessible learning opportunities to all, as well as participation in society and the labour market. This is based on a need to further strengthen LLL and its commitment to ensure investment in the field of education and training (systems), and its active contribution to building just and equal societies where education is a base for providing equal opportunities to all.The target groups in this work plan include:+SOLIDAR members who are providing the learning opportunities (NFIL and VET) to different groups such as NEETs, migrants, people living in poverty, early-school leavers, workers vulnerable to the labour market adjustments, etc. Specific Result (R1): through the action, they are becoming more aware of relevant policies and are more encouraged to contribute to the realization of EU's key priorities through their daily work.+Strategic partners and their members. This includes the European Association of Institutes for Vocational Training (EVBB), European Trade Union Institute’s education section (ETUI) and ILO-ACTRAV and its Training Center (ITC). R2: Our cooperation will strengthen recommendations in the fields of NFIL, VET and work-based learning, and promotes innovation in adult learning methodologies.+Decision makers on national and European levels, in particular engaged in relevant fields as EU2020, ET2020, Council recommendation on the validation of NFIL, EU transparency tools, European Semester, New Investment Agenda etc. Particular attention will be dedicated to the engagement of the EQF Advisory Group. R3: Through the action, these will be (even) more aware about the impact of EU policies on the work of adult learning providers and, hence, its influence on the living and working conditions of vulnerable groups. The methodology and activities defined in this work plan are based on the following 4 pillars:+EU policy analysis and evidence-based policy recommendations: by the Education&LLL Watch that monitors policies and produces national country reports; development of policy briefs and info actions for members.+Ensuring the participation of members and practitioners in EU decision making: by the organization of 2 expert round tables and conference in the EP and EESC, engaging national NFIL and VET practitioners and EU decision makers. +Building civil society networks in Europe: by actively supporting EUCIS-LLL and its LLL Week, establishing a new alliance between VET providers and working with universities (Horizon2020). +Capacity building of members: by enabling a community of innovative practices between adult, workers and trade unionist educators, peer-exchanges and thematic meetings
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