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Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This proposal addresses the general & specific objectives in this call with a coherent set of actions linked to our Strategic plan 2014-2017. They revolve around the learning pathway: assessment of skills –> education/training –> certification aligned to European reference framework. Awareness raising & dissemination actions targeting policy-makers, stakeholders and citizens are implemented all along in order to ensure the visibility & scalability of our thematic activities.2015 is a critical year for the deployment of our Strategic plan, because it is halfway in its implementation. The strategic plan is articulated in 5 pillars, as presented in section C.2.c. Here, we briefly present the activities in the work programme for 2015 by showing how they are related to each of those 5 pillars.Under Pillar 1 Education & Training, planned activities include supporting our members to align their digital literacy trainings with the EU digital competence framework; capacity building for e-facilitators; dissemination of best practices; incentives for telecentres (e.g. TE Awards for best digital training initiative) to develop quality trainings. We will provide members with tailored information about policy developments, which will boost their informed participation in implementation of education and training policy. We will launch the I-LINC platform on ICT for learning and inclusion (an open learning environment and stakeholder community).Under Pillar 2 Advocacy & Campaigns we will implement campaigns on the importance of digital skills: European Get On-line Week, e-Skills for Jobs. This will contribute to boost citizens’ participation in lifelong learning & up-skilling. We will continue to facilitate the formation of National & Local Coalitions for Digital Jobs –cross-sectorial partnerships bringing ministries, companies, universities & NGOs together to raise awareness on the digital skills necessary for today’s jobs. This will increase our members’ cooperation with public authorities. Under Pillar 3 Research & Social Innovation we will reinforce our collaboration with JRC-IPTS & universities. We will collect evidence base on telecentres’ impact through our annual impact survey, and through Skillage on young people’s digital skills. We will create attractive tools (e.g. infographics) to promote data. Within Pillar 4 Community Development we will update our strategy for recruiting new members. We will expand our stakeholder community by cooperating with ENGOs, e.g. CEPIS; Junior Achievement Y-E Europe, within EUCIS-LLL & more. We will continue our cooperation with ICT industry to make their training programmes (e.g. Microsoft YouthSpark) more accessible through telecentres.Pillar 5 Sustainability & Funding includes Funding Alert for members; facilitating members participation in EU funded initiatives & encouraging creation of partnerships. Our target groups include: member organisations; networks of telecentres; other European networks; ICT companies; European institutions and policy-makers; e-Facilitators; and indirectly, all citizens with limited ICT skills & opportunities. Concrete deliverables include minimum 3 contributions to public consultations, 5 position papers, 3 major events, 1 awareness raising campaign, information & guidance materials on the recognition & capacity building of e-facilitators and the application of EU digital competence framework. These are further elavorated for each activity in C.2.b and in section C.4.

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