Start date: Jan 1, 2015,
End date: Dec 31, 2015
ESIB’s plan of work follows the targets set in the 2015-2017 strategic plan that has been developed by the members of the Executive Committee and coordinators in line with ERASMUS+ KA3 objectives and using the logical framework approach for strategic project management. The collected feedback from the members has been incorporated in both documents, which then have been approved during the Board Meeting in December 2014. The overall aim for 2015 and the 3 year period is to support and improve the national and European 2020 policies in the field of Internationalisation/ Mobility, Social Dimension& LLL, Quality and Public responsibility. In addition there are overarching policy areas that are the structural aspects and documents in the Bologna process framework as well as EU policies. Actions will be taken to support the organizational development as well. Training and awareness raising activities have a multiplier effect through train the trainer approach; using ICT for wider outreach; translating ESIB publications (executive summaries and news) into local languages etc.In 2015 ESIB will continue actively engaging volunteers- elected as members of the Executive Committee. They are coordinated by ESIB presidency and supported in their work by the secretariat. The voluntary people in turn coordinate other volunteers nominated by NUSs or from ESIBs alumni. ESIB has a long history of successful projects and partnerships. This is planned to continue in 2015. Target groupsMember unions and through them all students in the 39 countries where ESIB has members; teachers, HEIs and policy makers on a European as well as national level. Immediate outcomesRaised awareness and enhanced knowledge of the target groups re. ESIB’s 4 priority areas Empowered student representatives, active on institutional, national and European levelStrengthen alliances with other significant actors in the HE policy-making processStrengthened cooperation with EC, EACEA, EP and national governments Strengthen position as an important stakeholder OutputsA milestone will be set in May when Bologna with Sudents' Eyes(BWSE) 2015will be released, a publication that has since 2003 been produced in connection with the Ministerial conferences of the EHEA & with high relevance to EU2020 and ET2020. Other deliverables include: opinions and motions on the four main ESIB policies; Recommendations 'The future of the Social Dimension of HE in Europe with students eyes' towards the 2015 Ministerial conference; Revised mobility strategy for EHEA using the results of BWSE2015 and the Task Force on Bologna Cooperation; Best practices and survey reports; 2014 Vote for Education campaign assessment and report and others.A large part of the planned activities use outputs from EU funded projects (QUEST, PASCL, PL4SD, ESPAQ, ESPRIT, IMPRESS, SiSCatalyst, Eurostudent) and few follow up on previous ESIB actions from 2014 (Vote for Education campaign; study on HE commodification). By exploiting the results from previous EU projects ESIB promotes the cooperation through ERASMUS + programme initiatives and ensures sustainability of running or already finished projects.More details are provided in ANNEX I.