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Myśl logicznie, działaj praktycznie - warsztaty z robotyki.
Start date: Feb 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our project will inolve young people from Poland, Romania, Latwia, Italy and Czech Republic in the age of 16-18. Each group will contain of ten youths and its leader, who are acting in nonformal groups in their schools. Participants of this youth exchange are active, creative and looking for new possibilities as well as open and eager to meet friends from other countries and cultures. The theme of this project is developing logic thinking and creativity through playing chess and robotics, what also allowes to improve IT skills among teenagers. Thanks to this project young people will be able to learn positive and constructive cooperation in an international team, what will also have the great impact on youths' language skills. All activities will be realised through methods connected with nonformal education, peer-to-peer, projects, workshops, energizers, sport and dance games as well as art workshops. One of the most important goal, which we want to achieve is to improve language skills in English and Italian, which is unknown to most of the participants. It will be definitely longlasting benefit as young peole will be able to get intrested in it and develope it in the future, or use their language skills to find work abroad. Another longlasting advantage of the project is developing information technology skills, through robotics workshop, what may help young people to decide to choose IT - robotics faculty at university, as it can help them to find interesting offers on labour market. Additionally, ability to play chess may influence the choice of the way of spending free time and become an alternative to watching TV or surfing the internet endlessly.

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