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My roots of Europe
Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"My roots of Europe" was an international youth exchange with three participating countries: Lithuania, Italy and Poland. The specific aim of this project was an intercultural integration with a focus on non-formal cultural education and artistic exchange. Precisely the 34 participating young people in the age between 18 to 30 (and 5 leaders) dealt with theatre as a form of learning and experiencing. The priority aim of the project was to set up conditions in which the participants can live, create, explore, reflect and understand each other. The motivation and guarantee of success in this project was the inovative collaboration of amateurs and professionals. Actors, theatre pedagogues and directors inspired the others by the workshops. That taught the amateurs the ability to create their own vision of intercultural theatre because the amateurs did it on their own. It was an open process, combined with clear, modern and pedagogical methods, that leaded into an extraordinary performance. The results of this artistic flow were shown in front of the local audience. Each group had the possibility to show their own stage achievements of their countries and inspired the others by presenting self-made videos of their hometowns. "My roots of Europe" was an artistic and intellectual reflection of the boundries between the identity of the participants local roots and the context of the common idea of Europe. Questions like Where am I from? What is Europe for me? What does this mean for me as European citizen? were individually answered. This project had also the aim to involve youngsters with lower social posibilities and disabilities. The centre of attention was the intercultural integration of those who had no chance to develop themselves with others in a creative way.
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