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"My peace in the World"
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project ""My peace in the world" is a youth exchange between four countries: Georgia, Estonia, Latvia and Ukraine. The activity took place in Kobuleti, Georgia 13.09 - 21.09.2015. The main project aim was to find understanding about peace and about what each person can to do for peace inside and outside themselves. How can we influence the world? What can we personally do to keep peace in the world? The project objectives were to organise an international exchange for 32 young people; to develop the project participants` skills of communication, creativity and initiative, team work, organisation, decision making and their intercultural competence; to promote social inclusion of special education needs pupils and develop tolerance of mainstream students by helping them learn, work and communicate; to find with participants solutions to peace outside and inside the person; to find out about healthy lifestyle, healthy food and possibilities to take care of health; to find out about possibilities to take care of nature; to give opportunity for pupils with special education needs to organize by themselves different activities and workshops (the teachers and the leaders are supporting them); to develop our tolerance and mutual understanding. Finally there were 29 participants and 8 leaders in the project. There were 3 less participants from Ukraine, because 2 participants could not come due to problems with their documents and 1 got into hospital just a couple of days before the trip. There were two leaders from each country, because age of our participants was 13-20 years old and they had various disabilities. The leaders were the school teachers or social workers. During the Youth exchange participants used methods of non-formal learning: energizers, ice-breakers, games, discussions, "gallery" method, World cafe, outdoor activities, group work, workshops, etc. The project partners were Ahtme School (Estonia), College "Akhali Talga" (Georgia), NGO Rodyna (Ukraine) and Adamova special internat school (Latvia). The project application was prepared by the initiative group of young people from Ahtme School with support of project coordinator and partners. The youth exchange was very successful. because young people made friends, they continue communication, they would like to have new initiatives and projects. Their feedback demonstrates, that the project expected results were achieved. The project was directly connected with the following priorities of Erasmus+ Programme: involving the youngsters with special needs and disabilities (equity and inclusion), participation of young people, cultural diversity, promotion of healthy life style, promotion of European cooperation, learning through non-formal methods.

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