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My Nationality is HUMAN
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

“My Nationality is Human” is a project for involves pupils aged 6 to 14 years old and their teachers. Seven different countries (Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Poland, Romania and Turkey) and seven different schools participate in it. The duration of the project is 24 months and it involves transnational meetings of both the teachers and the students, as well as the organization of several intellectual and other types of outputs. By promoting Humanity and Tolerance our project aims to make pupils be aware of social problems in their lives, family, neighborhood, school, the environment and get them prepared to change them and overcome them. It will help the children become caring, concerned citizens and it will give them the skills and confidence to make a positive contribution to their communities. They will widen their understanding of having a European and global identity, understanding their role, rights and responsibility as European and world citizens. Through all this they develop insight, understanding and an early sense of personal efficacy as social contributors, focusing on how people support each other. The project will help them to act like a grown-up citizen, formed through good practices, developed from transnational collaboration and realized through active learning process. We will work on the following fields of interest: peace, environment and long-lasting development, equality between men and women, cultural and religious similarities and differences, relations between the generations, rights of children, democratic decision-making, meaning and use of new technologies.‘Learning by doing’, our students will develop their social skills: good cooperation strategies, mutual respect, overcoming conflicts positively. Developing positive attitudes, children, will become aware of what respecting legality and the rights of others means and they will acquire a common European identity. This project will also improve the education of disabled students, as they will participate in equal terms in all the activities. Furthermore, the use of foreign languages and ICT skills will be improved by exploiting experiences in new, fun and intriguing ways. The project will offer many different types of working such as: working on projects, controlling conflicts, developing group skills, becoming responsible, using playful and creative elements, by means of music, dance, theatre, drawing, artistic recycling, the use of new technologies and other innovative tools. We expect only positive results to come out of this project. We expect that our school communities will experience positive changes in the school context, curriculum and actions and in the relation with parents, local community and people from other cultures/countries. We believe that a school needs to be open to society, easily adaptable to changes, sensitive to the problems not only of the local community but of the whole European Community. In this way, the citizens that are educated in these schools would be ready to contribute to a diverse and dynamic society, in Europe and throughout the World.

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