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Muuruveden koulun henkilökunnan koulutus ulkomailla 2014-2015
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project includes two mobilities: Riikka Karttunen, who is the headmistress and a classteacher of Muuruveden koulu, will make a job shadowing visit to De Bosmier school in Belgium and get acquainted with the work of the headmistress Greet Snoekx as well as with teaching work in the school. The English teacher Auli Hämäläinen will participate a CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) course in England. Riikka Karttunen as a headmistress is interested in the work of the headmistress of De Bosmier school and as a classteacher in the work in the classrooms. Her aim is to get acquainted with the curriculum, evaluation process, differentiated instruction, teaching the second language (another official language of the country), and the use of ICT technology (e.g. tablets) in the school. As a classteacher she is interested in different teaching methods (e.g. in teaching literacy and in motivating reading) and Belgian classrooms as a learning environment. She also wants to improve her English skills and encourage herself to use her skills in discussions in English. Language skills are necessary in the continueing internationalization of schools and in creating contacts with foreign schools and staff members. An aim of the visit to De Bosmier school is also to maintain present contacts with the staff members of the school and create new ones, in order to continue the co-operation also in the future. Auli Hämäläinen wants to get acquainted with the CLIL methodology in teaching English and thus expand her own teaching methods, get new ideas for teaching and new techniques for the classroom work. Her aim is also to get acquainted with teachers from different European countries and exchange experiences in teaching English, exchange ideas and after the course also materials created by the teachers. Materials in digital form will be exchanged between the participants after the course e.g. in eTwinning or Google Drive environment. Useful practises from the other European countries can be brought in into our own schools and used also in developing our new curriculum. It will also be interesting to find out to what extent the teachers from other European countries - including England - use ICT technology in teaching foreign languages. Many things concerning the countries and their culture will be discussed between the participants, and also friendships created. There may come out also valuable ideas that can be used in the internationalization of Muuruveden koulu and other schools of the town; Auli Hämäläinen is the responsible person for international issues of the three primary schools of the town Juankoski. Additionally her aim is to maintain and improve her English skills in the international communication between the participants and in the English speaking environment, as well as to get acquainted with the country and British culture.

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