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Music Used for Speech Improvement and Correction
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Nowadays, Music is part of everyone’s life. It motivates, entertains and highly influences our mood. Various researches have also shown the benefits of Music in the teaching-learning process, as it was already posed by Plato or Aristotle, one of the forerunners of integral music education. Today, the influence of Music on people’s mood and health is getting more and more reckoned as musical therapy is spreading. Due to the tight link between Music and Emotions, the suitable use of such resource might contribute to a positive emotional environment within the classroom, which would be ideal for learning purposes. Our school is a Secondary school which runs a project on bilingualism. Therefore, we feel the need to innovate our methodology as well as to improve the linguistic competences of part of our teachers. So, we suggest here analysing the use of Music as a methodological tool for the learning-teaching of English oral expression. Our main aims in this project are to integrate Music as a methodological resource in the school as well as to improve the oral skills of both pupils and teachers so that the communication in the classroom improves itself, and to strengthen our project on bilingualism. The use of new technologies as a means to reach our aims above and the study on body language as a tool in TFL through Music will be sought. All this will be done to eventually gain the growth of the school and the cultural dimension of an integrated Europe. Nine teachers from four different departments will take part in the project. Two of them will follow courses on methodology, four teachers will participate in job shadowing in experienced schools and two teachers will take English courses to enable them reach competence enough to join the bilingual project. After the training process, the members in the project will eventually put the acquired knowledge into practice through the subjects they teach. Among other activities, didactic units will be developed, which will deal with the suprasegmental features in English through music. They will be put in practice on teachers first, then on pupils. A series of activities and a repertoire of songs –the bases to work on both musical and linguistic grounds, will be collected. Also, two choreographies with a medley of songs as musical base will be developed. Finally, a comparative study on pronunciation will be rendered based on the audio sample and free software as a tool. Among the long run benefits, the inclusion of music in daily life at school will help the teachers and pupils enjoy such a motivating and attractive element as part of several subjects. The departments will include such methodological principles in their plans and they will enjoy both the material and the methodological resources produced within the project. It will help the school bilingual project to consolidate and spread thanks to the participation of new coming teachers, which will result in the enhancing of the quality in education. It will also improve the teachers and pupils’ communicative skills in English. The school itself as an institution will benefit from all the above as well as from the chance of getting more visible and prestigious to local, national and even European stands. Eventually, other schools, teachers and departments in administration will enjoy the results thanks to the project broadcasting. For broadcasting’s sake, we suggest the creation of a logo, posters, a summary video, brochures, as well as the use of online media such as web pages, social networks, Erasmus+ platform, the translation of materials and informative meetings to other schools about the project results. Finally, the transparency, diligence and efficacy of the project will be granted by means of a thorough assessment which will look into every project activity and result. Every mobility will be assessed by means of travel diaries, reports or Skype chats, whose results will be taken into account through language assessment or by checking the fulfilment of the setup strategies. The use of such tools and European certificates as the advisory documents rendered by ECVET, Europass or the Language European Passport will be of great help and support. We hope this project helps both teachers and pupils find a new incentive in their daily lives at school, and both English and Music reveal as languages for communication and enjoyment

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