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Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Apr 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The music of a people is made from its history, transformations and relations with other cultures. Traditional music is the living memory of people, reflecting profound cultural exchanges. Musicologists are unanimous that Balkan music, which was forged by the meeting of oriental and western cultures, is one of the richest musical traditions still alive in Europe. Many jazz, alternative musicians and classical composers take inspiration from these treasures.Today, we are confronted to two worrying processes: following technological and socio-economic changes, the tradition of live interpretation of this music is disappearing since the musicians and communities from the Balkans do not have the skills to develop a communication and conservation strategy that would enable them to participate in projects and EU exchange programs. Nowadays, when an old master retires, his skills and music are usually lost.This project aims to highlight the musical richness of Balkan countries, to find their meeting points in music, and create a bridge between musicians and the new media and new audiences. The main activities will take place in Bulgaria, Turkey Greece, Serbia, Macedonia, Germany and Belgium. The project will create opportunities for enhancing contacts between the artists and development of new audiences in the Balkan countries and in Europe as a whole.A main focus of the project is preservation. It aims at recording and sharing online live interpretations of some of the last old masters whose skills and tunes are about to be lost and meet them with talented European young musicians who have the potential to learn from them and keep this music alive. They will develop joint project that will be integrated in a program of concerts. All the archives, interviews, clips, footages… will be gathered in an interactive virtual platform that will share the results of the project to a large (young) audience and develop a deeper understanding of the roots of this music.
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