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Muon reconstruction and trigger optimization towards early beyond the Standard Model discovery at the LHC with the CMS detector (CMSMuRecoTrigBSM)
Start date: May 1, 2008, End date: Apr 30, 2010 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The work proposed here has a three-fold scope: 1. Optimize muon reconstruction at CMS on a muon-by-muon basis such that the best possible resolution and efficiency is achieved across all momentum and rapidity ranges. 2. Investigate and implement non-standard use of the information from the muon detectors enabling a time-of-flight measurement. 3. Study the muon trigger requirements and trigger paths in the context of commissioning and integration for the LHC startup. The physics aim of the proposed work is to support and maximize the early discovery potential of CMS in viable beyond the Standard Model frameworks involving muons in the final state (from Supersymmerty to Extra Dimensions and new gauge bosons).

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