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Multispråkighet genom CLIL
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Språkskolan, The Language School, is an elementary school in Haparanda, Sweden, with an equal number of students from Finland and from Sweden. The students are educated mainly in their first language, but also in the the language of their neighbouring country, called neighbouring language. The primary objective of Språkskolan is the bilinguality of the students. The aim of this project is to develope teaching metods to achieve better learning outcomes by using the Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) method, in an international collaboration and by using information and communication technology (ICT). The school has prepared a two-year European development plan anchored in the Europe 2020 strategies, in the national curricula and the local plans of Haparanda municipality and Språkskolan. This project will contribute to generate creative and attractive learning environments, improve teaching quality and learning outcomes, reduce early school-leaving, create modern education with ICT technology and supports students to achieve multilingualism. Within this project, six teachers participate in an introductory course and an advanced course in CLIL methodology. All teacher teams of Språkskolan are represented: three 1-3 grade teachers, one 4-6 grade teacher and two 7-9 subject teachers. None of the teachers have previous experience of CLIL principals and practice. Half of the teachers have some experience of using ICT in teaching since the 6-9 students are equipped with laptop computers. Teacher in Finnish/neighboring language Finnish participates in training course in her subject in Finland, directed to methods and curriculum development in terms of technology and multilingualism. A special education teacher jobshadows in Finland in order to develope methods, practise and acquire new knowledge to work with Finnish students or with the Finnish material. Activities are also aimed to expand teachers European network and to find cooperation partners. Cooperation takes place on eTwinning using ICT tools. All participants are included in the project management team which disseminates new knowledge and skills, implements and evaluates the subsequent competence development process at Språkskolan. Collegial learning is used in the professional development process. Teacher teams at school conducts at least one project per year each using CLIL practice and modern technology in collaboration with other schools in Europe. Expected results at the participant level are improved language skills, expanded European network, better teaching competence in the use of CLIL practice and modern technology. New teaching and cooperation projects can be integrated into odinary education. Improvement of quality and efficiency of education is expected at the organizational level. Students learning outcomes are improved, the bilingualism goal is achieved to a greater extent. The project has potential long-term effects on the organisation. The ultimate goal is that the school becomes a CLIL school that supports the learning of school subjects through a foreign language. Collegial learning is strengthened as a development tool which create better conditions for staff to establish new teaching methods in the future.
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