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MULTIPLY- Kapazitätsaufbau in der Erwachsenenbildung
Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The mobility project MULTIPLY - Capacity-Building in Adult Education - constitutes a European cooperation between the countries Germany (EU-Fundraising Association e.V. - EUFA), Austria (alp- Aktivieren von Leadership), France (L’Ydille Lang), and Italy (Accademia Europea di Firenze). It offers alltogether 21 trainers, learning programme developers or project managers, an opportunity to individually benefit from a 5-days training in Europe in the field of adult education. In this framework, a total of 3 topics of interest will be offered to the participants. The project´s qualification cluster 1, “Teaching Skills”, open to a broader pool of external applicants, is mainly addressed to independent workers, fixed-term or honorary workers and job-seekers in the field of adult education. In this sense, the project will contribute to the implementation of the Europe 2020 strategy and its defined target of enabling at least 15% of adults between 25 and 64 years old to enhance their personal and professional skills through mobility in Europe. The project´s qualification cluster 2, “Management Skills”, intended for a closed pool of the organisation’s staff and members, offers training to its team managers and people in charge of projects. It will thereby contribute to a further qualitative development of the organisation EUFA and its staff training and will simultaneously support the europeanization of EUFA. The learning content of the different trainings is based of the theory of “Multiple Intelligences” (MI Theory) developed by American psychologist Howard Earl Gardner in an adapted version. The trainings will offer derived didactic and practical exercises to adult trainers, and broach the use of MI Theory in Leadership Development. MULTIPLY should spread the approach of cognitive science in Learning and Leadership concepts of adult education. New innovative approaches should be implemented to the learning styles and skills of adult learners. The structural orientation of the European learning system, focusing on linguistic and logical-mathematical intelligence, needs to be questioned and redefined. Through the MULTIPLY project, EUFA’s intention is to learn, try, test, adapt and implement new participating learning methods. This pilot project should consolidate a new cooperation between four European partners and generate interesting follow-up projects in adult education.
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3 Partners Participants