European Projects
Multiply Education and European Tools
Multiply Education and European Tools
Start date: Jul 4, 2016,
End date: Nov 3, 2017
The project MEET "Multiply Education and European Tools" will take place in two host countries with a tradition of historical character yet very rooted within the social context: the first stream of volunteers will have the opportunity to carry out their EVS in Scutari, in northern Albania, for several years the destination of migratory flows both from neighbouring countries (Montenegro, Kosovo, Macedonia) that from rural areas and adjacent mountainous and outlying areas of the city that lead to overcrowding; the second stream of young people selected will arrive in Chinisau, the capital and largest city in Moldova, in which the population search carefully to build a personal position within Europe. The overall objective of the project MEET is to promote active citizenship among young people by focusing on interests, passions and activities that stress the importance of the values promoted by the Erasmus +. The project involves an active participation of young volunteers, who will be considered indispensable resources; they will try to bring out and enhance the participants' point of view, making them protagonists and co-authors of the activities. Dynamic and interactive methods are used, these elements will develop learning through non formal education (the methodology used will be essentially active and participatory).Specifically, the project will create the conditions for the creation of a society where the education, basic rights and European values are respected and guaranteed in order to create a fairer and civilly active society; the four volunteers will be involved in recreational and leisure activities for the benefit of people welcomed in both host structures. The young people selected will perform their service in two contexts of reception of substantial importance to a personal growth of people who participate actively: two volunteers will be engaged at a family home and a therapeutic community which mainly includes children in Scutari, supporting activities in favour of young people hosted in the Family Home, conducting recreational activities for children of the area who are experiencing poverty , and supporting operators in visits to disadvantaged families in the territory. Two volunteers will be active within the Centre of Hospitality for minors of the Association AVE COPIII of Chinisau, also in this context young people selected may assist the operators of the Centre in the implementation of activities for children. Volunteers will receive by the sending Organization APG23 a pre-departure formation, in Italy, where they will analyze and deepen both contexts of reception (Albanian and Moldovan) from a historical, social and cultural point of view, and the issue of human rights and peace education, according to European principles. The project will allow young people to acquire skills, abilities and knowledge useful to their personal formation, in particular mutual learning and sharing of ideas within a multicultural context. Thanks to stay in host organisations, volunteers can come into contact with new cultures, expressing solidarity with others.Volunteers will be able to increase their skills through personal experience of European Voluntary Service, develop relationships with people from different language and culture and disseminate the principle of tolerance among young people of the European Union through the promotion of active citizenship and support for both local realities.