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Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Cristóbal Valera school is one the first school centres in approaching a multilingual teaching, because since 2001, French as a second foreign language, is being taught, following calls promoted by the Education Act of December 23rd, of the Quality of Education and following the agreements and recommendations from de European Union. Since then, the program has evolved in its name from French Section, European Section, to the present as Multilingual Program (development STAGE), teaching French as a second foreign language and the non-linguistic subjects Natural Science and Art in every grade in Primary and pre-Primary Education.It has 18 units created in Primary Education, 9 units in pre-Primary and 1 unit for Therapeutic Pedagogy. The ratio ranges from 24 to 26 students per classroom.From the total of the teaching staff (46), just 8 of them have the linguistic accreditation and deal with the teaching of all the grades and levels in a centre that has the total amount of 678 pupils.A dynamic school and committed to expanding the educational dimension, pioneer in the development of a quality education proposed in the Europe Strategy 2020, since it promotes the learning of the following languages: French, English and the mother tongue.However, the latest educational reforms have caused the slowdown in the implementation of Erasmus-Comenius programs, since the teaching staff has been modified from the school year 2010-2011 to the school year 2014-2015, creating provisionality in the bilingual program. Every single change became a new beginning.Besides, the problems a teacher in a bilingual program in French has to face cannot be ignored: - The lack of specific teachers training programs in French.- The lack of skilled trainers to be able to teach a methodology aimed specifically to ages ranged from 5 to 7 years old.- Difficult access to materials and motivating resources for theese ages.Thus, developing mobility KA 101 Key 1 in the next two years through specific structured courses for teachers is essential to achieve the enhancement of the European vision of C.E.I.P. Cristóbal Valera, and thus, achieve excellence in the quality of education.The new teaching staff, aware of their unifying character at school, as their dual role as French specialists and Primary tutors makes them share their tutorships with the rest of the grades in all the different levels in the centre, they take the baton of internationalizing the educational work and assume this commitment in an active way.Expected resultsAmong teachers:-Improve and perfect the linguistic competence in teachers.-Improve and update the methodological practice in non-linguistic subjects.-Know the culture of the country.-Placing the school in the European network.-Professional development and optimize human capital.At school:- Boost multilingual program launched in 2001 recovering our presence in the OAPEE.- Strengthen the teaching of DNL subjects in the AICLE - EMILE methodology and contribute to early learning of other languages.- Increase the number of teachers in the program (gradually progress to each tutor is enabled to teach French and the DNL in each grade).Among students:- New stimuli to encourage learning in the classroom.- Improve their linguistic competence.- A better preparation to complete their training.Long-term benefits- Modernising school incorporating new work methods.- Students will access to a way of teaching that will allow them to deal with more guarantees subsequent challenges during their education and professional training.- Strengthen the European dimension of the centre.
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