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MULTIlingual Curriculum for improving KEY competences through CLIL
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The purpose of the MULTIlingual curriculum for imroving KEY competences through CLIL (MultiKey) project is to explore and compare varying models of bilingual teaching that have developed in Europe and through reciprocal learning exchange ideas of best practices in various models of education. Multikey project is designed to address key competences which will help pupils gain skills needed to obtain a tertiary degree in education in line with the goals of Europa 2020 strategy. All partners have an interest in working with Content and Language Integrated Learning. Most partners have expertise in CLIL courses and others have a genuine interest in trialling the CLIL curriculum, particularly with disadvantaged learners and continue to use the materials produced as an integral part of their own school curricula. The project partners will survey their national approaches to CLIL in order to identify key areas for development. Two most important outputs of the project are a comparative analyses/survey of CLIL in partner countries and teaching materials integrated in a single curriculum- MultiKey- which will be used in all partner schools. Based on the need to increase key competences in pupils' target group the partners will make appropriate adaptations and develop materials for use in all parter schools. The project targets 29 teachers and 377 pupils in 6 partner schools who are going to participate in activities related to the project. The project will have 3 transnational meetings for implementation and coordination purposes, 9 learning activities in order to achieve the objectives and results of the project with the goal of developing an innovative curriculum which will be evaluated thoroughly before the completion of the project. The MultiKey curriculum is going to become an open educational resource, available to all secondary education institutions through project website, and realized in English, Italian and Spanish/Catalan with special attention to linking the linguistic competences of learners to outcomes of the curriculum. MultiKey has a great potential for creating a more positive attitude towards CLIL at local, regional and national levels in all countries involved in the project, but will also serve as an idea how to produce joint transnational CLIL curricula in future.
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5 Partners Participants