Start date: Jun 17, 2014,
End date: Oct 17, 2014
"MULTI KULTI" is EVS project cooridnated by POLITES Association and hosting 10 volunteers from 5 countries: Bulgaria, France, Romania, Spain and Italy. The aim of the project is developing and strenghtening the key competences of the participants as well as depicting cultural diversity of Europe. The goal is achieved by organizing a series of summer workshops for the local children from Szczecin, Poland. Apart from the European volunteers, the participants of the project are local volunteers from Szczecin and children taking part in the summer workshops.
The additional goal of the project is the promotion of the voluntary service as a diverse and interesting way of spending free time in the active and meaningful way. Thanks to activities and challenges that the volunteers are coping with they will be able to learn in non-formal way how deal with everyday situations abroad, work with children, organize events and cooperate in the international team.
The activating methods used during the project will be workshops, meetings, games and treasure hunts. The results of the project are strenghtening and learning new key competences by the participants of the project as well as getting to know more about cultural diversity of Europe.
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