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Multifunctional Soil Conservation and Land Managment through the Development of a Web Based Spatial Decision Supporting System (SOILCONS-WEB)
Start date: Jan 1, 2010, End date: Dec 31, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background The multiple functions of soil are under increasing threat from a wide range of human activities. These threats are often complex, typically inter-linked and can occur simultaneously. Threats considered of major concern for implementing the EU Soil Thematic Strategy (COM 2006/231) included: erosion; decline in organic matter; soil sealing; soil compaction; decline in soil biodiversity; and landslides. All of the abovementioned threats to soils are relevant to the area around Naples in the Campania region of Italy. Objectives The objective of the SOILCONS-WEB project was to develop, test and implement a tool to support the decisions of stakeholders on soil and landscape conservation issues. The decision-supporting system was designed to enable the introduction of the best soil conservation and land management measures, and to ease the implementation of complex environment-related EU directives, regulations and national allocation plans. Developed in the framework of a Web-Based Spatial Decision Supporting System (WB-SDSS), the aim was for the tool to provide advice and enable users to produce detailed spatial documents, reports and maps concerning agriculture, environment and climate change, with the ultimate goal of implementing an innovative spatial-based adoption of relevant EU and national legislation. The aim was to demonstrate the tool through the agricultural division of the Region of Campania (an associate partner), with further testing in four other European regions. Results The SOILCONS-WEB project involved five years of close cooperation between soil scientists, experts in the fields of soil-water relations and forestry, environmental experts, engineers, regional technicians, IT personnel, planners, wine and olive oil producers, and other professionals. As a result, SoilConsWeb was created: a web application to support decision making relating to soils and landscape in the rural and environmental sectors. It comprises a three-level configuration: Database, Server and Client. Within the Database, there are several information levels, from basic soil data and data acquired through soil surveys and on-site analysis of hydrological samples, to data from a high-resolution Digital Terrain Model, satellite images, and vector and raster mapping provided by regional agro-environmental services. In the geo-database there are climatic maps that the system updates every 24 hours through an automated procedure specifically developed for the demonstration area in Valle Telesina (Campania region). The Server is a powerful computer that hosts the database, processes the data, performs modelling simulations, processes user requests and provides real-time responses, both in the form of thematic maps and reports. Through a graphical and easy-to-use interface, the Client, that is to say every user connected to the server via the Internet (, can query the system. This can be through a range of environmental topics, each having specific operational tools (e.g. soil erosion, groundwater pollution, forest management, vineyards, soil sealing or issues related to soil quality and climate change). The entire SoilConsWeb system was tested and implemented in an area of about 20 000 hectares in the Telesina Valley in the Campania region and, for selected functions, in four other areas: the Agro-Aversano, in the northern area of Naples, in the Campania region; the Plain of Lodi, in Lombardy; Etna in Sicily, in an area in the province of Catania; and in Wachau in Austria, between the towns of Krems and Spitz along the Danube. Farm managers and policymakers faced with complex environmental problems require knowledge of the territory and its physical characteristics to arrive at effective solutions. The project’s WB-SDSS (Web-Based Spatial Decision Supporting System) helps provide this knowledge. It is based on modelling applications and is designed to produce both data of a “static” nature and combined data of a “dynamic” nature. The project team disseminated their results and activities via trade events, national and international conferences, and other initiatives. Dissemination of the results will continue over the coming years through the updating of the system and its maintenance with software/hardware upgrading, maintenance of the project website, publication of scientific papers, and participation in national exhibitions and seminars. In the main test area (Valle Telesina), SoilConsWeb addressed multiple threats to soils, including erosion, decline in organic matter, soil sealing, soil compaction, decline in soil biodiversity, landslides, soil contamination, which had been identified in the EU Soil Thematic Strategy (COM 2006/231). The system can also target other environmental and agro-environmental problems to help implement a range of EU directives and regulations, including prevention of contamination and pollution in surface and groundwater by hazardous substances or excessive nutrients (Nitrates Directive 91/676/EC; Water Framework Directive 60/00 EC; Groundwater Directive 80/68/EC), and additional regulations concerning disadvantaged areas, designated regions of origin for agricultural products, and measures to support rural development. By helping to implement EU directives and regulations, the project’s tool can help deliver a range of socio-economic benefits. The project was pioneering in establishing a WB-SDSS capable of helping to solve or at least mitigating several environmental threats; therefore it was of high demonstration value. The flexible system is characterised by dynamic modelling applications; full usability via the web; the implementation of a Spatial-Decision Support System on a Geographical Information System; and its interdisciplinarity. The project’s demonstration activities showed that SoilConsWeb is adaptable to other territorial contexts, especially where an environmental geo-database already exists, and over larger areas. Further information on the project can be found in the project's layman report and After-LIFE Communication Plan (see "Read more" section).
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