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Multiculturalidad y diversidad en la educación de adultos
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Centre for adults “Maestro Martín Cisneros” in Cáceres offers both formal and non-formal training courses to more than 2500 students in the province of Cáceres . We are currently working with different types of learning: face to face, distance and on line learning . The students of this institution are characterized by their heterogeneity and diversity in all areas (social, intellectual, economic , cultural ... ).At the beginning of the academic year 2014-2015 we set up the project “Attention to Diversity in the Education for Adults”. Our main intention is to deal with our students’ diversity outreach in an accurate strict way. This organization effort has made us receive the recognition from our Education and Culture Authority in Extremadura as a Project on Educative Innovation for its quality and newness in the education for adults.During 2015/2016 we have developed the Project Center " Education for Development" whose general objective is to educate the students about poverty and inequality that some countries suffer and the need to be active in the search for solutions . To achieve this objective we will use the center resources , new technologies and the plurality of our students .We have also developed the "Calendario Violeta" project, included in the program 'Getting good treatment from community action". It is an educational tool with monthly activities related to equality of opportunity, solidarity , diversity , justice and non-violence with the aim of raising awareness and educating positive values. It has been awarded in the fourth edition of the Awards for local good practices against gender violence For the following school years, we will try to give European character to this project, paying special attention to the multiculturalism of our students at the same time .At first, our intention is the process of teaching and learning itself, as well as the specific training for the teachers involved in the project. There are very few centres for adults in Spain working on this specific subject, and this is the reason why we try to visit some European Education Centres which are dealing with this matter in order to learn from them. We have already organised a formative plan to be developed during the course 2015-2016 for the teachers taking part in this project. This plan consists of attendance of structured courses on multiculturalism and diversity. Each teacher will attend two structured activities throughout the school year. The experience and learning acquired will be shared with the rest of the group at some informative sessions, once the teachers have come back from the different activities.When the project is over, we will be delighted to share our global experience with other similar centres in Extremadura, through the web of the Teachers’ Centres in our Autonomous Community.The six teachers involved in this project are familiar with both the English language and TIC, we work in all the different types of teachings that we may offer at school: face to face, distance and on line. In this last one, different ways may be found as well: completely virtual teaching, and attending seminars once a week. It is also important to note down, the role of two of these six teachers in a rural area next to Cáceres, Garrovillas de Alconétar and Casar de Cáceres, which are also part of the Centre Martín Cisneros.The ultimate goal of our project is to be able to grasp the necessary methodology and organization tools which give our centre international character. We try the acquired learning with this project to help us organise projects in the future, in cooperation with other European centres similar to ours, working together in a K2.We believe that working in international projects will have a very positive impact in our centre. We will contact teachers from other countries and we will learn from their experiences. In addition, this fact will improve our linguistic competence and modernisation of the methodological tools which are being used. We also expect that the impact of these experiences on the teachers has a significant importance on the work too that we daily devote to our students in terms of quality and dynamism.
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