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MULTI-sided: Vielfalt in der Erwachsenenbildung
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The mobility project "MULTI-sided: Diversity in Adult Education” - constitutes a European cooperation between the EU-Fundraising Association e.V. (EUFA) and the European course providers "Alp-Activate Leadership Potential"(Alp), "Elderberry Gryd Limited" (Elderberry EUcourses) and “Centro Italiano per L´Apprendimento Permanente" (CIAPE). MULTI-sided focuses on the preconditions of entering a lifelong learning process, and especially on taking into account the variety of individual learning conditions of adult learners in Europe. In the qualification clusters “teaching skills“ and "equality of opportunities in adult education", a total of 32 trainers or developers of adult education curricula will be sent either to Italy, France, Austria or Denmark to participate in structured and coached trainings for a period of 5 to 7 days. Over 50% of the offered training programs (qualification cluster “equality of opportunities in adult education“) deals with gender, inclusion and diversity issues. The project takes into account the need of developing an antidiscriminatory, fair and inclusive European learning system. Actions should be taken to raise awareness on discrimination issues and their legal and ethical frameworks. Specific competences due to disabilities, as for example unusual mathematical talents in the field of autism (Savant Syndrome), should be recognized as a teaching potential. MULTI-sided contributes to enable trainers or developers of adult education programs to develop an inclusive scheme for their training courses and apply it to their institutions. In the majority of the training offers, the learning content derives from the theory of “Multiple Intelligences” (MI Theory), developed by the American psychologist Howard Earl Gardner. The trainings will offer didactic and practical exercises to adult trainers and will allow the implementation of innovative approaches adapted to various types of learners and talents. The predominance of linguistic and logical / mathematical intelligence in the European learning system, sometimes leading to discrimination against other talents such as musicality, kinesthetic or interpersonal talents, should be put into question. Through MULTI-sided, adult trainers will gain more competence to recognize and foster the potentials and talents of learners. The objective is to create an integrated teaching approach, which addresses the potential of learners in a more versatile and thus inclusive way. MULTI-sided is open to both members and non-members of the EU-Fundraising Association. It intends to be a service-oriented project and specifically address the target group of self-employees, temporary employees, freelancers or job-seekers in adult education. Through its approach, the project brings together experienced and non-experienced trainers in the process of European learning. In this way the project will contribute to the implementation of the Europe 2020 Strategy and its defined targets of enabling at least 15% of adults between 25 and 64 years old to enhance their personal and professional skills through mobility in Europe.
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