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Multi-lingual e-Learning in Language Engineering

Recognising the need for the vocational training of translators and other language professionals to be adaptable to the new skills and competencies demanded from the globalised marketplace, this project aims to develop e-teaching material on translation, language resource management and technology. Beyond this, project partners expect to design a European MA, which can contribute to student and professional mobility in the EU. The project partners will collaboratively re-use and adapt existing material for the teaching of intercultural language resource management and training, to create new material for online interactive teaching courses. At the end of the project, innovative e-learning technologies and tools will be used to make teaching materials and courses available online via the project website, to include the production of a standardised tool for the recognition of translation errors and partnered online translation classes between project partners. In parallel to course content and online technological/tool development, the Austrian partner will lead the design of the project's proposed European MA. Online courses will be tested on university students, selected individuals in companies and practising language professionals. Two workshops are planned for dissemination activities; the first offering individual training seminars and the second focusing upon the evaluation of materials. The website will also be key to dissemination of the end project results.

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9 Partners Participants