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"Multi EU Identities"
Start date: Jul 20, 2014, End date: Jan 20, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"Multi EU identities" project will allow 30 young people from disadvantaged socio-economical background (half Roma and half non-Roma between 15 and 20 years old- all participants are from economically deprived families) to get fully aware of their European Union (EU) identity as well as aware of the values of diversity and tolerance towards differences that this EU identity involves. The key goal of the project is to make them realize that they are ambassadors and potential protectors of these values of tolerance promoted by the EU. Through a 8 day youth exchange organized in Croatia, young people from Croatia, France and Slovenia will then explore the multiple aspects of the EU identity - focusing especially on the gender issue and ethnicity issue (Roma) - through a learning process based on non-formal education principles (interactive workshops, cultural activities). Specific objectives of the project are the following: 1) to exchange points of view on EU and national situations regarding equality and news forms of discriminations (especially discriminations based on gender and ethnic aspects-Roma); 2) to inform young people about the importance of EU construction/EU identity in promoting equality values and combating these discriminations; 3) to exchange best practices on how young people may engage at local level with actions promoting equality values and combating discriminations; in other words to enhance participation of young participants in community level actions. The reasons of developing this project are the following one: - Alarming raise on intolerance among young European during the last years and especially a raise of violence towards women and minorities such as Roma - especially based on harder and harder inclusion of young people on labour market. - Alarming lack of confidence in European construction among young people especially regarding that the EU has a key role in promoting tolerance and combating discriminations. That is especially the case in old EU member states (France) and new EU member states (Croatia). - Alarming social and economic situation of Roma minority in Europe. Despite numerous initiative (Roma Decade, national strategies, etc.), Roma minority is still the most segregated minority in the EU and It is especially true for young Roma where they live for many generations in Roma settlements (Croatia, Slovenia) or were forced to exile in old EU member states (France).
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