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Muhasebe ve Bilişim Alanında Avrupa Okullarında Uygulamalı Eğitim
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project titled “Applied Training on Accounting and Information Technologies at European Schools” will be carried out by our school, Gelibolu Vocational and Technical High School, together with consortium partners that are Alanya Nezihe Soydan Vocational and Technical High School and Biga Hamdibey Vocational and Technical High School. The project will start on 01 October 2015 and end on 01 October 2016. On Information Technologies, 10 students and 1 accompanying teacher from our school and 8 students from Alanya Nezihe Soydan Vocational and Technical High School will participate in visits. On Accounting and Finance, 10 students and 1 accompanying teacher from our school and 10 students from Biga Hamdibey Vocational and Technical High School will take part in visits. Between 08 February 2016 and 21 February 2016, ITI LS F. GIORDAN school in Italy will host the students from Information Technologies Departments. Between 11 April 2016 and 24 April 2016, FUNDACIÓN OBRA SOCIAL Y CULTURAL SOPEÑA school in Spain will host the students from Accounting and Finance Departments. The participants will be consisting of 11th and 12th grade students from our school and the partner schools of consortium. As these schools are mixed schools, we will give importance to selecting equal numbers of male and female students. Student selection criteria will depend on both academic success and behaviors and attitudes of students at school. While conducting the project, there will be a team of 6 project managers from our school, Alanya Nezihe Soydan Vocational and Technical High School and Gelibolu Vocational and Technical High School. These managers will manage all of the phases of the project. The methods while conducting the project will be meetings for quality assessments, tests and interviews to select the participants, meetings, seminars, research, observations, field trips, competition, etc. The cultures around the globe started to come closer due to developing communication technologies and increasing number of mass media tools. The subject fields of our project, i.e. Information Technologies and Accounting, are among the fields that have been mostly affected through the processes of developments. Therefore, Information Tech. students will work on basics of animation, Italian animation applications, preparing basic level 2d and 3d animations and creative and interactive animation to improve their skills. The Accounting students, on the other hand, will work on EtaSQL software package from program set-up to applications of stock and other applications, reporting and filing to improve their job capabilities. Through trainings within the scope of the project, the students will be provided with an alternative perspective to their fields and this will increase their devotion and motivation about their future careers. The final objective is to support student employment in various sectors and private companies. The project will also contribute to the training of students who can be employed in national or international platforms in the future. Moreover, the students will have the opportunity to experience life and culture in foreign country and this will help them to discover new methods and get rid of their prejudices against other cultures if there is any. The fact that our project contains national partnership among three Turkish schools will help us spreading its affects to bigger populations. The expectations from the project in the long run can be stated as follows: experiencing positive effects on accounting and information technologies curriculum on national scale, improving job skills, increasing the customer satisfaction on the mentioned fields, setting an example to other vocational schools, and reaching the European standards in the curricula of accounting and information technologies.

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