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Mülteci Öğrencilerin Topluma Dahil Edilmesi ve Kimlik Edinimi & İntegration of refugee students into society and Identity accommodation
Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The number of the refugees runnig away from the war in our neighbour countries have been raising for the last 5-years time. There are intensive activities to supply these refugees’ humanitarian assistance in Malatya province. We built and equipped some schools fort he refugees students as Malatya Province Directorate of National Educacation. We have prepared integration of refugees into society and identitiy accomodation project to use modern, innovative and effective teaching methods and techniques during giving education to these refugees students.With the integration of refugees into society and identitiy accomodation project we aim to give guidance education related to the refugees to the applicant teachers in the consortium who teach in the schools in which refugees students have education. These applicant teachers will interfere to find solutions for the refugee students’ who run away from the war psychosocial, spirutual, linguistic, academic and cultural troubles with modern methods and techniques the will gain in planned courses. Also one of our aimsto send our applicant teachers to courses in England and Italy is to help these refugee students to come over and minimise the problems that they face to during process of their identitiy accomodation. With the help of these modern and effective teaching methods and techniques both refugee students and families will learn how to find right information and how to use it effectively for a better guidance.Integration of refugees into society and identitiy accomodation project involve 5 teachers from Orduzu Ali Fevzi Ağan Primary School, 5 teachers from Gündüzbey Primary Schoo and 5 teachers from İstiklal Primary School. Totally it makes 15 teachers who will participate to the courses in England and Italy under consortium of Malatya Province Directorate of National Educacation. Besides, these five teachers will not be sent to this courses at the same time. Two or three teachers will be send to England from each school at the same time and the another teachers will be sent to Italy so that they can share their experiences and info with each other after they get their attendance certaficates and return to their homeland. By doing this we aim to send teachers of a school to both country courses to see both versions of refugee guidance education. At the time of selection of this applicant teachers for the project we will pay attention to gender equality and selection criters in this application form.The applicant teachers from the schools in our consorsium, will attend a week long courses including subjects such as guidance education to refugees, their international rights, communication with challenging students, motivational activities types, developing self-esteem, behaviour management, time management, drama, practical skills, best practices etc. Our applicant teachers will use modern and effective teaching methods and techniques in their schools. So our refugee students will gain written abilities down;• to prevent early school leaving and a better family relationship ,• to see their strenghts and weaknesses,• to gain real life skills to integrate to society,• to learn better ways and tips during their identitiy accomodation• to increase their awareness and communication and linguistic skills;• to define his/her own responsibilities, competences and psychosocial problems• to get to know himself/herself better•to learn how to cope with the problems , thanks to supporting guidence skills of their teachers.In addition, this project will give teachers an oppurtunity to share firsthand experiences from their European colleagues, European to develop guidance skills thanks to seeing best experiences in different countries by different participants and mentors, to adapt themselves into European innovative teaching methodologies and support cultural diversity in Europe.The main activities of the project are:- The selection of participants based on the criteria concerning project’s needs - Getting ready for the mobility: getting necessary permissions , passports, organization of travel and accomodation,- Disssemination activities of the project - Preparation of the website, leaflets, brochures, posters after the mobility and distribution of these materials-The organization of meetings to share EU qualified information and experiences for other institutions,-The conduction of the info-poll: In the dissemination activities of the project, the poll will ve conducted to see how effective the projects results are,8 applicant teachers from consortium member schools, will attend a course between the dates 12-16/09/2016 in England, and other 7 teachers will attend a course in 17-21/10/2016 in Italy to develop thier guidence education abilities related to refugee students.
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