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MTÜ Eesti Pärimusmuusika Keskuse töötajate vaatlus-, kogemus- ja õpipraktika Tantsumaja näitel
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The main goal of Estonian Traditional Music Center (EPMK) is to teach and support Estonian traditional music through live performances and the encouragement of active participation. It aims to strengthen and promote Estonian ethnic and regional identity and, in doing so, enhance the feeling of national dignity. EPMK organises a year-round programme - concerts, festivals, traditional music camps, workshops, courses and instrument classes - in order to fulfil its goals. Dance House is a folk dance workshop that includes live musicians and dancers. Our wish is to learn from the experience of Dance Houses in Romania, Poland and France and Sweden through observation and participation. We have encountered that live music and dancing are growing increasingly more apart in the contemporary world. What we have also observed that due to classical music and dance education, changes have occurred in the ways in which people play instruments and dance. Folk dance groups tend to perform choreographic dances using recorded music. The tradition of dancing to live music and improvising during the dance is about to disappear. We started organising Dance House evenings in 2011. They take place 8 times in a calendar year. The main outcome of the project is to improve the teaching methodology and organising skills. We wish to gain new experience in keeping the tradition of Dance House alive and vibrant. Also it is important to increase the number of contacts with organisations within the same field. We would like to visit a national dance camp called "Kalotaszegi népzene és néptánctábor" in the Transylvanian area of Romania at the beginning of August. The camp has taken place for 23 years and the organiser is the Foundation of Kallós Zoltán. In Poland, we are going to visit a dance camp organised by Dom Tanca. It takes place in the village of Sedek, district of Kielce, which is situated in the eastern part of Poland. The camp takes place in August and it is focused on the Polish national dance „mazurka“ and its varieties. In the Auvergne district of France, a folk music and dance course "Le grand stage et bal trad' de saint flour" is given every spring. In Sweden, we are going to visit Eric Sahlström Institute which is specialised in increasing teaching competence and developing the methodology in a field of folk dance. There are 8 people from EPMK involved in organising and teaching at the Dance House. The roles have been divided to cover all the areas from organising to teaching. Maarja Nuut – folk musician, dance teacher, dance researcher, leader of the Dance House tradition in Viljandi, head of the international folk music and dance project „DanceLaboratory“. Tarmo Noormaa - Director of Estonian Traditional Music Center, folk musician, Programme Director of Viljandi Folk Music Festival. He has participated in the folk dance performance „Dance Machine“, directed by Silver Sepp, and in „DanceLaboratory“. Jalmar Vabarna - Programme Producer at the Estonian Traditional Music Center, folk musician, representative of Seto dance culture Kairi Leivo - Head of The August Pulst School, promoter of folk music, folk musician. Her tasks include producing programme for courses and workshops. She has written articles about folk music and traditions. Mare Lilienthal - Co-ordinator at the August Pulst School. She has been developing the field of traditional music for more than 20 years. Her tasks include coordinating courses and workshops. Kaisa Lõhmus - Programme Assistant at the Estonian Traditional Music Center. Her tasks include organising folk music concerts, events including Dance House. Silja Soo - Venue Co-ordinator at the Estonian Traditional Music Center. Organising Manager of the current project, responsible for liaising with the partners of the project, accommodation, catering and transport. Anu Rannu - Project Manager at the Estonian Traditional Music Center. Head Organiser of the current project. She has been involved in several projects within the field of traditional music. Expected impact 1) for the participants: gain experience and competence, make new contacts 2) for the organisation: improvement in skills and motivation within the staff; so that we could serve our mission in a better way. 3) for the partners: expand their outreach and gain contacts; understand how precious their traditions are 4) for the target group: convincing examples; better organised Dance House events, new dance courses
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