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Možnosti bez hraníc
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The aim of the project Possibilities Without Limits is to improve the quality of work with students with special needs by means of achieving and further sharing the newest trends and knowledge. Basic school is exactly the place where they start their future career that is why it is necessary to have a very sensitive and professional approach to motivate these pupils to learn. Unfortunately because of the traditional model of teaching and common approach they often become stagnant, desparate, and they do not trust themselves. As it is the problem that is increasing we must stop and do something to help. Taking part in the course SPECIAL NEEDS AND INCLUSIVE LEARNING of one of our teachers and further sharing information with all teachers will broaden our minds in this area. The lessons will be held by teachers with better professional knowledge of dealing with students with specific needs what changes the atmpsphere in classes and better understandig and humanistic approach will improve the spirit of our school. Further better cooperation and sharing new trends with parents, teacher assistants, a special educational teacher and experts from the Center of Pedagogic and Psychological Councelling will improve dealing with this target group. If we consider the number of people influenced by this project it is over one thousand as it influences all pupils of our school (501) and their parents, our employees (67) and also specialists from the Center of Pedagogic and Psychological Councelling. We believe that every child should get the opportunity to use their full potentials and we are sure the project Possibilities Without Limits will help us to achieve it.
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