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Moving Lives. Migration Issues in Local and (Inter)National Politics.
Start date: Jul 1, 2015, End date: Mar 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Moving lives. Migration issues in local and (inter)national politics People move all the time: Some just travel, some look for jobs, some try to find a better life. In other cases, people are forced to move: They flee from starvation, they run away from war and oppression, they leave after ecological disasters. This project looks at their stories. It explores the reasons why people move. It analyses the impact these people have on local and (inter)national politics. Youth leaders from Germany, Poland, Lithuania, and Northern Ireland will come together to work on these issues. Four aspects are at the center of the seminar. 1) The history of migration: waves of immigration in Europe and across the world, political and social reasons, migration as a theme in history books. In this section, participants share their moving stories and national histories. 2) Lampedusa is everywhere: learning about current issues and challenges of EU immigration politics in an interactive simulation game, talking to politicians, comparing political solutions. This part unfolds the complexity of international migration and signals means to dealing with Lampedusa as a symbolic phenomenon. 3) Immigrants and their hosts: establishing dialogue and diversity in society, visiting volunteering projects and NGOs, training to become pioneers the integration and empowerment work. In this section, inspiration is provided by those for whom migration is a daily issue. 4) Burning questions to be answered: Where do we move from here? How do we face the challenges of migration on a local and international level? What can I contribute? This part gives the participants the chance to transform their seminar experience into new visions and follow-up projects. This seminar is all about movement – moving lives and moving minds. This is a train the trainers project targeting at youth leaders and activists of civil society. There will be six from each country plus one team member, because the program will be conducted by an international team. Results will be disseminated in our national and international networks, so others can benefit from our experiences and findings. Governments sign treaties and decide on the large-scale framework. We fill the concepts of integration and dialogue especially in the context of migration issues with life on grassroots level. This is our task; this is our vision; this is our message.

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