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MOVING Languages - Mobile Virtual Learning for Languages
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The migration in the EU is recently rapidly growing, especially in light of the troubled political situation in the Middle East and Asia. Thus it is of extreme importance to provide additional tools to enhance the integration of the immigrants and refugees arriving in Europe. Language learning is one of the key priorities of successful integration, and mobile applications are an effective educational source that can be specifically targeted at the immigrants, as a large percent of them are digitally literate and are looking for new opportunities in their new countries online.In the frames of the project, we deliver a gamified language-learning solution that will help the refugees/immigrants learn the local language and familiarize themselves with the new concepts in their new countries. This mobile application will specifically be targeted at the immigrants in the European countries and will be available for download on the application markets free of charge.Using the smartphone applications created within this project will give them a head start in learning the native language of the country while waiting for their decisions from immigration or after the residence permit has been granted. These applications will also be useful for any other immigrants who have already been living and working in their new home country for some time. The application will be available in 6 target language versions (English, Spanish, Italian, German, Swedish and Finnish) and will have at least 3 support languages each - that would be the languages most widely spoken by the immigrants in each of the partner countries.The language content of the mobile applications created in this project will be covering the topics that are essential during the first steps of living in the new country and contain 2000-2500 vocabulary items illustrated for easy concept recognition. The vocabulary in this application will also contain the topics with selected country-specific concepts not present in other partner countries. As the target group is refugees (and migrants) and as the stake holders are working in the areas of immigration and migrant associations, the project app should be very easy to disseminate to these stakeholders as a free basic language course using a lot of professional images. The expected impact will be large in all the project partner countries. The impact will be noted regionally, nationally and European-wide. Feedback from users will also be an important measure of impact as well as the ratings of the applications on the app markets and amount of downloads.Project partners:All six project partners all have extensive expertize working with projects, both language- and immigrant-related, and all have a large network of contacts that will be utilized. Finland: (coordinator) Learnmera is a private language training/translation company that offers language lessons and translations or corporations. Learnmera is specialized in language material creation and ICT.Sweden: Folkuniversitetet in Lund, the largest adult educational association in Sweden that offers a wide range of adult education all over SwedenSpain: Media Creativa, organization with extensive experience in the fields of social research, education and business management.Italy: I.D.E.A., a no-profit association, with a long-standing experience in vocational and educational trainingAustria: BEST Institut für berufsbezogene Weiterbildung und Personaltraining GmbH, main activities comprise the development of innovative training programmes for young (+16) individuals and adults, many of them disadvantaged and with migration background, on continuous and vocational training, counselling & coaching and activation for job seekers and employees.UK: Heriot-Watt University, established a reputation for world-class teaching and practical, leading-edge research, which has made it one of the top UK universities.
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5 Partners Participants