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MOVING CINEMA. Methodologies, Strategies and Tools for Children and Young People to Appreciate European Films and Become an Active Audience
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Moving Cinema starts in 2014-2015 with the purpose of improving film literacy both at a national and a European dimension, primarily among young people aged between 10-18. The main objective is to create and strengthen the bond of young people with European cinema through strategies that build present and future habits. We focus both on contemporary art films and heritage cinema, emphasizing the singularities of European auteur cinema that make it especially interesting and moving for youth. The project is structured in three levels: 1) development of pilot actions to increase the interest of young people in European films and to foster them to acquire habits as autonomous spectators; 2) to enable the access of young people to film exhibition spaces and platforms; 3) dissemination and transferability of methodologies and tools which have proved to be efficient in the pilot actions, in order to make them useful for organisations and teachers across Europe. The website is one of the core elements of the project insofar as it disseminates the resources. For the second edition, the pilot actions are constituted in 5 axes: 1) methodologies for mobile devices practices linking filmmaking and film viewing; 2) strategies for stimulating interest and knowledge on cinema through the VoD platforms; 3) screenings and dialogues with filmmakers in film festivals and cinemas; 4) film programming by young people and actions shared between young programmers across different European countries; 5) access and analysis of documents generated during film creation processes ('Inside Cinema'). Through these pilot actions, Moving Cinema creates a wide and diverse network of film festivals, cinemas, cinematheques and other organisations generating opportunities for audience development both in the school hours and in young people’s leisure time. Besides from the web, direct trainings and follow-up of activities play an important role to accomplish our dissemination objective.
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